Chapter Fourteen

2339 Words

Missy When I got to the little cabin earlier, I was surprised to see V had cleaned up most of it. The dust was gone, and the sheets and blankets were hung up out back drying. It looked a lot brighter inside with a little tidying. I had shifted and pulled on my clothes in the trees before coming up to the cabin. V had brought a movie to watch on his computer. We had relaxed on the couch, sharing popcorn and cuddling together. It had been relaxing and quiet which was exactly what I needed after being so stuck in the pack house. I set an alarm on my phone to make sure I left in enough time to be back a little early so as to not raise any suspicion. When my alarm went off, I was sad but also happy to have had this alone time with V. He told me he would clean and close the little cabin and t

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