Chapter Twenty Three

2260 Words

Missy I trudged out of the classroom for my last final exam. This has been the worst day. I have barely gotten to see V and I didn’t know when I was going to get to see him again. Lea and Liam had grounded me indefinitely to the pack house and taken away my phone. Lea was checking my tablet and computer as well to make sure I wasn’t doing anything but schoolwork. To top it all off, they made Austin take me to and from school all week since I snuck out. Lea said depending on my grades and behavior going forward, she would consider when I could be ungrounded. Liam barely spoke to me; he was so mad still. I took my time at my locker, hoping V would come before I had to leave. Austin wasn’t dumb and would come barging in the school if I took too long. “Hey princess,” I heard from behind me

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