1057 Words

CHAPTER 12JUJU I had a flight scheduled in the morning, so I drove back to Lilly’s. It was a few days before Christmas. I picked up the latest copy of the Washington Post lying in her living room—it was several days old—and saw that it had snowed in Washington. There was a picture of the Capitol building taken from a snow-covered mall. In Monrovia it was 85 degrees and steam was rising from the streets after a recent shower. I had tried to make it a point not to drink before 6:00 p.m. except on celebratory occasions, but I needed something to dull the pain of Ana’s departure. I mixed myself a large gin and tonic, flopped in my stuffed chair, and stared out of the window trying to imagine snow falling outside. Eventually, I fell asleep in the chair and the empty glass slipped from my hand

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