2006 Words

“You come to rob him. I know vat you come for.” “No, boss! No!” They had stopped now. There were about twenty of them, but it seemed like more. They started to form a semicircle around us. Deet was moving the gun from side to side. “I swear to Gott, I blow your f*****g heads off if you come closer.” At this moment an old Chevrolet pickup truck skidded up next to the group, spraying dust and red gravel as it slid to a stop. Both doors flung open and Mike and a man in a police uniform got out. The policeman had his gun out. He fired it into the air once and the group of locals backed away. “What the hell happened? What the hell happened here?” Mike shouted, looking at the wreckage. “Is he dead? Is he dead? Goddamn it!” “Ya,” Deet said, “he ist dead. Part of de left ving came off ven he

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