Chapter 4: Poison For The Alpha Who Hurt Our Mommy

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Six years later Deep within the forest, a little after midnight, a quick series of sharp taps echoed throughout the serene forest. Leaves rustled from every corner and twigs snapped under the paws of warriors of The Silver Fangs Pack Warriors as they chased after another wolf. A lone wolf. The group of beasts finally cornered their prey and circled around it until they had it in their middle. The brown wolf slowed down and whimpered from the burning pain in its paws which was as a result of the sharp spear which had been thrown at him by the leading man of the group. As they came to a rest, the pack of wolves slowly returned to their human state and a man rushed out walked out from behind them dragging with him a bag of clothes. He dropped it in their middle and returned to where he came from as they put on the new clothes. Then they turned their attention to the unclothed man in their midst. Finn Harper, now the beta of his pack after his father, sucked in a deep breath at the sight of the man. "We've been chasing just one man for the past three hours? How? I remember them being two. How could you all be careless to let the second person escape!" The men lowered their heads to the ground at being scolded, but it was at this moment that the person who had brought them clothes timidly voiced out. "Pardon me for butting in, beta, but I seem to recall seeing the alpha go in a separate direction." Finn turned to look at him. "The Alpha? He was in his tent when we left.” The man, however, shook his head. "I was able to keep up with you because the Alpha dragged me along. He didn't want to alert the rogues into knowing he was around, so he joined the group quietly." The warriors were relieved to hear him. "In that case, we have nothing to worry about." One of them said. Another pointed at the rogue on the ground and said thoughtfully, “That other rogue must be important for him to have used himself as distraction for him to get away.” "As long as the alpha gets a hold of him and interrogates him, we won't have any problem finally identifying who the person who leads these rogues are." Added someone else, further calming their raging hearts. "Shut up!" Finn glared at them and proceeded to scold them harshly again, "Why do you all sound so proud of that? You're supposed to be hunting down the rogues for all the crimes they've been committing." "It's what you swore to do for the alpha when you became a pack warrior. How dare you smile so smugly and act all comfortable when your alpha is out there doing your job for you!" Following his scolding, none of them said anything again. Finn massaged the space between his brows frustratedly for a moment before he waved them aside. "Drag him back to the tent. We'll know what to do with him when the Alpha returns." While the men did as instructed, Finn stopped walking and glanced towards a direction. Although he shared no sort of connection with the Alpha, he could still sense when the Alpha needed him. And tonight wasn't one of those times. Hundreds of meters away from where they were, two figures continued moving through the forest at a great speed. Under the moonlight, the white wolf in front was desperately paddling to get further away from the black wolf behind it, but for some reason, the black wolf kept closing the space between them. Just when it was about to get to the white wolf, the white wolf stopped and skidded over to another direction. The sudden change of direction threw the black wolf off balance, but he regained his sense of direction the very next second and gave chase again. When he realized the white wolf was getting away from him, he abruptly stopped and in a split-second, launched itself at it, digging his claws painfully deep into its back. The white wolf growled in distress and slowed down due to the pain. It soon got to a steep cliff and turned to run back in another direction but stoppped seeing the black wolf was almost closing in. It was a wound from an alpha, hence, it wasn't regenerating very quickly. It laid down near the edge of the cliff and slowly turned back into a human. The glaring red eyes belonging to the black wolf got closer to the white wolf now turned human. He stopped in front of it and raised his claws to s***h its throat when his nose suddenly caught a familiar whiff of a scent. He was yet to ascertain where it was coming from when another wolf hopped out from behind him and snatched the person in front of him before jumping down the cliff. Axton Wolfe turned back to his human state and glanced down the cliff. Average werewolves never survived falling off this cliff. But somehow, it seemed to be a refuge for every rogue he had chased. But then...that familiar scent he smelt earlier. Although he didn't get a good whiff of it, it did smell like the one he smelt six years ago. "Alpha!" He was drawn out of his thoughts by Finn’s voice behind him. Axton didn’t turn to look at him, but just let staring down the cliff. "I failed to realize there was someone else running with us. He helped out before I could do anything." Finn stopped beside him and breathed out. "Right. Two got away from us, but we got one of them. Give the order and I'll get to interrogating him to know all about the rogue pack." "Get to it. Don’t overwork yourself. We leave at first light." Axton finally tore his eyes away from the cliff, turned around and walked past Finn. At the foot of the cliff, a few meters away from it was a pitch black cave. The wolf who had saved the white wolf transformed back into a human and carried the person inside. The cave which had been silent and dark a moment ago was instantly illuminated by a fire and people began coming out from every corner. They brought the man clothes to change into and as he did, he worriedly dropped the now pale woman in his arms on a bamboo bed. "I told you to be careful, didn't I? I know I said to lead them to me, but you shouldn't have followed the plan when you had the Alpha on your tail. You could've died before you got to me!" A group of elderly women immediately began mixing herbs and tending to her with wounds. Despite the amount of blood she had lost and the severe pain she was in, the girl smiled at him apologetically. "I was clumsy. I shouldn't have let him injure me. That way you would've had the chance to kill him. The plan was perfect and we would've killed the Alpha of The Silver Fangs Pack tonight had you paid no heed to me." "We can always kill him another time, but he can always put you in that condition or worse still kill you whenever you cross paths. Always remember that before you try to lure an Alpha. And worse still a vicious one like Axton Wolfe." "Xander, you're working her up. Consider leaving the room so we can work properly." One of the women turned to him and suggested. Xander Wilde nodded. After staring at her for several seconds, he turned and walked out of the cave. Just outside, he found two boys of no more than five years old standing with their head lowered to the floor. When they saw him walk out, they immediately skidded over to his side. "Xander, will my mommy die?" One of the boys raised his head to look at him and instantly burst into tears. Xander lowered himself to his level and said seriously, "Die? What is that? Don't think something like that again. Your mommy has no business with death. I won't even let her." The second boy who had been clenching his fist tightly the whole time as he fought back tears, patted his lips and slowly asked, "It was the Alpha again, wasn't it?" "Why does he keep coming after us and killing us when we did nothing to him?" The first boy sniffled and bawled his eyes out even more. Xander stared at the two children for a moment; one who didn’t bother restraining his tears and was bawling his eyes out and the other who was clenching his hands very tight and biting down on his lower lip to stop himself from following his brother’s path. Then he sighed and disheveled their hair with his hands, laughing jokingly, “What business do you have worrying about grown-up problems when you're just a child? Don't worry about the Alpha, I will handle it. And don't worry about your mommy either, she will be fine. I know she will." The first boy still continued bawling while the second didn’t respond and just stared at him blankly. Xander felt he needed to explain further for them to understand, but the second boy suddenly turned to his brother and poked his shoulder. “Diego, you heard him, didn’t you? Mommy will be fine. Stop crying already, your loud cry hurts my ears.” Diego immediately stopped crying and wiped the tears on his face with the back of his hand. After his mother, he believed whatever his elder brother told him. Seeing he had calmed down, his elder brother retrieved something from his back pocket and passed it to Xander. Xander gazed at the delicate black bottle for a second before asking, “What's this?" "It's poison. For your arrow." The big retorted with a straight face. Seeing the confusion in Xander’s eyes, Diego explained further, “Denzel heard it's difficult to kill an Alpha. So he's been trying to make a poison potent enough to harm an Alpha."

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