Chapter Six - Lowella

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(The week before Karyl visited Claire at her house,) “Are you up for this job, Lowella?” Vladimir clasped his hands against each other while looking at her intently. Lowella just nodded before smiling, “Yes I am, I won’t pretend that I’m in love with him since I have been truly in love with him ever since high school, he means so much to me,” She commented while looking at Arthur’s pictures. She just couldn’t believe that she had a chance to see him again and it’s all thanks to this weird man that had found her working at some bar. Arthur was special to her since he was the only one who respected her as a woman back in high school, she used to be a bet that everyone would get under her pants. She always ended up losing that bet because a lot of men were trying to pursue her. A time came when someone was harassing her when she’s on her way to school when Arthur came in and beat that guy to death. He never left her side until they got to school, she was grateful to him, he was the only one who respected her as a woman. She only watched him secretly from afar speaking with her only woman friend, which is Claire, she couldn’t muster up the courage to approach him. “I wouldn’t waste this opportunity, after all those years, I never thought I’d see him again,” She smiled, so Vladimir just nodded. He doesn’t care anything about her sob story, all he wanted was for her to do her job, “Now go, he’ll be at this place to eat his usual lunch together with my woman, they’re secretly meeting up today according to my source,” Little did they know, Arthur truly did plan on letting them know that he’s going to meet up with Claire at that restaurant, he wanted to know what he was planning and that would be the perfect opportunity to see it. Claire will escape with the help of Timothy and no one will even know that she left the house even if Vladimir will say something about it. But Claire wouldn’t truly meet up with him, in fact, Arthur’s only goal was to meet up with the woman that’s going to be Vladimir’s pawn. “I’ll prepare right now and meet up with him before he’ll be with his woman,” She smiled, so Vladimir had this sinister smirk plastered on his lips before nodding. “Good girl, now go and make me proud, you’ll be out of that bar in no time,” He assured her, so Lowella just sighed in relief before nodding. She stood up and leave his office, she almost teared up and clutched to her chest, “Finally, we’re going to meet up again, Arthur,” After she said those words, she left Vladimir’s company and went to the salon that he told her to go to for her to have a makeover. *** Lowella was stunned while looking at her reflection in the mirror. She knows a lot of men kept saying that to her when they f.uck her, but she still couldn’t believe that it was true. She was beautiful and her worship-worthy body made it even better after her makeover, it was the first time she felt beautiful after all those years. “Ma’am, your car is waiting outside,” The head manager informed, so she just nodded and proceeded towards the car. She was excited because finally, she’s going to meet up with Arthur and have a chance to be with him after all those years. The ride didn’t take that long as she got out of the car, she was nervous because a lot of people were looking at her. Well, who wouldn’t look at her with that daring dress and makeup? She thought before smirking because she knows she'll win everyone just by winking at them. After she gathered all of her courage outside, she entered the fancy restaurant and looked for Arthur that was probably already waiting on the inside. She felt like her world stopped after seeing Arthur that was casually sipping his wine on the corner with his hands inside of his pockets, he looked extremely handsome as a lot of people, no matter what their s****l preferences are swooned at the sight of him. Lowella’s steps became louder, she nervously stood still right in front of his table where he casually just glanced at her and gave her a small smile. “Lowella Daine, it’s been years, I’m glad you’re well,” Arthur sternly commented, so her eyes widened, she couldn’t believe that he recognized her. “Y-You know me? For real?” Lowella felt like she was running out of air as he invited her to sit with him. “Of course, how could I forget? You were that girl that was always secretly giving me food at my locker, you always know that I’m hungry just like my Claire,” Arthur mumbled before resting his palms on the table. Lowella blushed, she didn’t know that Arthur also knew about that, she also left him a letter once and it’s embarrassing. “Aside from that, I saved you once from a student that was trying to grope you,” He added, so she almost teared up. “I can’t believe that you almost remembered everything about me, I-I don’t know what to say,” She lowered her head, she shouldn’t cry right in front of him. Arthur noticed that she was getting cold on the other side, so he took off his coat and placed it around her shoulders. She appreciates how kind and gentlemanly Arthur was, she feels like she’s falling for him over and over again, “Who told you to wear something like that?” He asked. She was wearing a red fitted dress that doesn’t have any sleeves and is above the knee length. Lowella flinched before hugging herself, “O-Oh um, I just felt like wearing it,” She reasoned out. Arthur just nodded before smiling at her, “So what brings you here? Did you know that I was here?” Arthur curiously asked while taking a sip of his wine. Lowella composed herself before meeting with his gaze, “I’ve been here on the corner since a while ago, watching you wait for someone? And you were attracting a crowd since all of the people eating here were looking at you,” He was surprised, “Oh? I didn’t know that I could attract such a crowd,” Arthur commented while pondering on his thoughts. Lowella giggled because she thought he didn't realize how handsome he is, he’s always down to earth, humble, and kind, those things that made her love him even more. “How about you? What are you doing here?” She curiously asked while looking at him intently. “I’m actually waiting for someone, she’s the love of my life,” He smiled, the one that could make you blind because it was so bright. “Was it Ms. Claire Jewel Crayford? You two still see each other?” She pretended she didn’t know, this is what Vladimir told her to do. Arthur just nodded before smiling adoringly just thinking about Claire, the woman he’d want to spend the rest of his life with. “Yes, she’s my girlfriend, I’m planning on asking her hand in marriage soon,” Arthur informed her, which made her bite her lower lip. What she heard pricked her heart, she doesn't like the thought of Arthur getting married to someone else. “I see that’s great, um, are you sure that she’s coming? I’ve been here for a while and you’ve been waiting for an hour already,” She mumbled, she was scolding herself on the inside because of the way that she was acting. “Hm, you’re right, she’s probably not coming, she informed me about a problem at home that she couldn’t take care of,” Arthur sighed while gazing at his phone. He then shifted his gaze at her before smiling, “Do you have anything else you need to do today?” He curiously asked, so she immediately shook her head. “No, I’m free all day, um want to have a drink with me? Just to catch up with each other,” She suggested, so Arthur thought it was a great idea. A great idea for him to find out what Vladimir was trying to do to him and his woman, “Let’s go to my car,” Arthur and Lowella were just speaking casually with one another, even if they just last saw each other from high school, it seems like they were truly great friends back then on the way he talks to her. She couldn’t wish for anything aside from this moment to freeze with the man she fell in love with, she was beyond happy just by spending time with him. Now she just has to do something to take advantage of him, even if she doesn’t want to do that, her desperation to have him for herself is eating up her soul. Both of them entered a fancy club and ordered a lot of drinks. They were talking about what they do now for work and living. Lowella embarrassingly informed him that she was a dancer at a club, they pay her plenty because she attracts a lot of crowds. She was once rich back in high school, but because of Crayford’s company reign back then, their family couldn’t recover from all the pullouts of the stockholders as they became bankrupt. Lowella despised them for that because she was forced to sell her body just to let herself finish studying. But things didn’t go well as her mother and father got sick because of depression and stress, they died eventually and she was left all alone in the world as she managed to get a job at the club to pull herself back together. “I’m sorry to hear that, but I’m pretty sure you’re doing everything you can to get yourself out of there,” Arthur appealed when he heard about why she had to work on that place, except the fact that she loathed the Crayford’s because her life became miserable. “I’m doing great now, thanks to a certain someone,” Lowella smiled while she’s thinking about Vladimir. He was her customer back then and something happened to them that she fantasized that she was doing it with Arthur, moaning his name. That was the time Vladimir realized that this woman might be one of the reasons why Claire would hate Arthur. Their plan was to let him sleep with her and take pictures to send to Claire. Vladimir thought it was a perfect plan for her to hate Arthur. Lowella was nervous as she excused herself to the bathroom, but she didn’t literally go as she ordered a drink from the bartender and put a sleeping pill on that drink. It’s time that she had to do this, she feels bad but she wanted to have him for himself, “Arthur, I’m back, and here’s your drink!”  “You got me one again?” He smirked and already noticed that the drink was spiked, but he still drank it. Lowella clapped her hands before reaching out to his hands, she was thrilled because their plans were slowly rotating on her palms, or so she thought. “Do you want to dance? Come on!” She invited and pulled him on the dance floor, she wanted to make the most of this night with him. They both danced on the dance floor, she did everything to seduce him, push her body to him, he’s the only man she’s willing to be touched with. She noticed that Arthur was getting dizzy as he held on to her waist, she gasped because his hands were so toned as she felt like he was holding her firmly. “My head is hurting, I need to head back home,” Arthur whispered and turned his back on her when she hugged him from behind. “Let me accompany you,” She whispered before nibbling on his ears. Arthur didn’t say anything as he grabbed her towards her car. Lowella thought it was weird that he could still drive even if his head was hurting, so she suggested that they should go to a hotel for him to rest properly because it’s dangerous to drive when he’s drunk. She helped him get into their room and placed him on their bed, he was grunting as he felt like he was starting to lose his consciousness, “Arthur, I love you, so I had to do this, you don’t mind doing it with me right?” Lowella mumbled before she raised Arthur’s hands and put them in her chest, she groaned just feeling his warmth on her body, “Please touch me,” She whispered as she tried to seduce him with her kisses, what happened next surprised her as Arthur started giving her some kisses, she was surprised as he held onto her intently. “A-Arthur,” She moaned when Arthur placed her on the bed harshly and decided to strangle her neck. “A-Arthur, it’s tight,” She choked and tried to remove his hands on her neck. It was getting too tight. “Who sent you for me?” He sternly spoke, she was surprised because it sounded like it wasn’t Arthur speaking. “A-Arthur, w-what do you–” She gasped when she felt like she was gasping for air when his hold became tighter. To be continued…
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