Chapter Fifty Six - Serene

2072 Words

Vladimir was massaging his knuckles while looking at the paper works that needed to be done and signed immediately. Aside from the ultimate revenge that he was planning, he seems to be so bothered about Lowella’s whereabouts. She always jogs and he couldn’t understand why she has to do that when there’s a gym inside their place. “I don’t like to work out at your gym, it smells like the sweats there weren't wiped or cleaned,” He remembered her answering him. Vladimir cursed when she slipped inside of his mind again, he’s been distracted lately because of her, “What is that woman doing to me?” He hissed. “Oh? Are you having real woman problems now?” Someone spoke on the other side of the room, so he looked at the side and saw Serene Crayford. She’s dressed in seductive lingerie like sh

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