Chapter 16

2496 Words

Jareth Pov     “I don’t understand why we have to help her,” Lottie said for the hundredth time. I didn’t even care enough to reply to her anymore, just letting her rant. She was, thankfully, positioned at the front of the group, but unfortunately, it was still close enough to hear her.      “No one is making you go,” Lenny muttered, for probably the fiftieth time. I swear, this was just getting frustrating now.      Lottie grumbled under her breath something about having to keep me in check and I sighed loudly, looking around at everyone. Lea was sleeping, her head pressed against Robby’s chest as he held the reins of their horse. Lenny was next to them on his single horse, pulling behind him the cart filled with our supplies. Nicki and Lottie were at the front as usual, and I was at t

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