Chapter 12

2590 Words

Thais Pov     I sighed, watching Jem smack the back of Jareth’s head, before they all broke out into a laugh. “So, in a strange sense, they’re all related?” I asked, looking at Aislyn. I had heard of Queen Aislyn and King Jeremiah, or Jem, as some often called him. However, this was my first time actually meeting them. They have never been in the town before, or at least not when I was in town.      Aislyn chuckled, running her fingers through her hair as the breeze swept it over her face. The men were all watching the stall for me while Aislyn pulled me away to sit under the tree with the horses. We didn’t really know what to say at first, and she seemed to take the silence for nerves, taking time to talk a little bit about herself. “Well, Ren adopted Doris and Jem. So they’re brother a

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