Chapter 32

2539 Words

Thais Pov     I should have never fallen asleep beside him, because now I was aware of how absent the space beside me was when he wasn’t there. I felt guilty over him falling asleep on the watch, despite the fact that nothing ended up happening, but I felt guilty nonetheless. Even still, I couldn’t have slept beside him. It was so easy for Lottie and Nicki to sleep beside each other, because they were both girls and friends. It was easy for Lenny to sleep beside Louis because we all could see how relentless Lenny was and how much Louis was slowly folding to his charms. As for Jareth and I….I was scared to pass that wall, the unknown that came from the act of openly seeking him out and lying beside him. It was too brave for me, much too brave. It would be the same thing as opening his tent

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