The City of Stanhore and the Papers

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I am aware that the mayor or whatever they call him is watching me so I dip the point of the feather we call as a quill in the modern world in the ink and begin writing and filling out the names of the papers. I place the name of Sonia’s mother as Helen S. Witman and that she is 33 of age, I just calculated as I place the date of birth and places she is supposed to be born. I place that she is born in Scotland but married a man in a village somewhere in England. I also register Elena as my sister and her name is Elena S. Witman and she is aged 12. I register my name as Zorenia S. Witman and that I am 17 of age. Every detail in the papers is a fabrication but somehow it will become our new identities in this city. Not to mention I know that Sonia and Elena are never been registered in Scotland. For my mother, I am not sure if she is registered since she is not holding any papers about her. I am sure the Broughtstons are holding mother’s papers since she is their servant and according to my mother; she was bought by them when she is 14 in slave trade. She was supposed to be running with her family to England to survive but somehow she got caught by the traders and all she has is her bag that contains the pictures of her family and her 14 years memory of them. When I finish I look into it and I look at the man who is standing behind me.   “I am amazed you can also write and read. I will look into this but I will warn you that the amount needed is much too costly.” he said taking the papers I am handing him as I stand and face him with a straight face.   “How much will it cost you Sir to fix the papers and when can I get a copy of it. Also if it is possible are there some houses that are being sold to a much fitting amount?” I said and he looks at me as if he is surprised at how I am speaking and how knowledgeable I am despite my look.   “The registry will cost you 10 pounds each and there are three of you so it will cost you…”   “30 pounds yes, and how about the house I am asking you about sir?” I asked cutting him off of his calculation.   He looks at me in amazement as I just smile at him. Thanks to my math teachers for letting me learn the basics of mathematics really well. Well, seems like those are helpful after all.   “Well about the house I will send for you once I get some papers of houses on trade.” he said as he places the papers on the drawer again and faces me.   “I see, in that case, can you tell us sir if where we can find a place to stay in the meantime as we wait for the list of houses on sale.” I ask with all lady-like manners I can garner.   “I will ask one of our gentlemen outside to guide you into an inn that is a little closer to the town hall so when I send for you… you can come as soon as possible or I can just go to where you are staying.” he said as he sits on his chair.   I look into my bag looking into the money I took from the Broughtstons and I know what I am holding is more than what we can use to start over. I know the Broughtstons must be having a problem regaining the money and pieces of jewelry they had lost. Hmnnn serves them right. I take some money that is like papers and place it into the table of the gentleman taking him off guard.   “Sir that is half of what I will pay you for the papers. When I will get a copy of it when it is already processed then I can give you the other half…… and probably with a little bit of gift. Thank you for the great welcome and I hope you have a nice day.” I said smiling at him as he takes the money on his table; there are 3 money papers with 5 pounds written on each in the total of 15 pounds in his hand as he looks at me.   “Well I do say, welcome to the city of Stanhore Miss Zorenia Witman.” he said as he smiles at me.   Damn, hearing my name again is surely refreshing. I smile at the gentleman who stands and he curtseys as he smiles at me. I know there are doubts and questions in his mind but who cares. With that, he called a man from outside who guided us into a small inn but have a warmer atmosphere. We rented a room and we start to settle in. I made sure to ease the fear and doubts into my mother and Elena’s minds. I even told them what happened and that I changed their names for us to not be found by the Broughtstons or anyone who might know us. I am being cautious about the possibility of someone coming from that town. Knowing that even a Duke from England is going to Scotland and to that town we are from…… I need to be very careful.   We stayed there for a few days waiting for the Mayor to send words to us about our papers and the house I am asking about. I know they might be investigating us for I know nothing will be easy once we come here. I didn’t expect that he will just give us the papers that easily so I am waiting and getting ready for something bad to happen. I already talked with Mr. Holand that we will not go with them so they left after 3 days, it is now our 5th day here and I can see that mother and Elena are starting to get used to the place, culture, people, and clothing in here that are much too different from what we get used to in Scotland. The first thing I did when we get ourselves into an inn is to buy some books and papers. I started reading histories, novels written at this time, and even the recent news. It surprised mother and Elena so I just showed them that I am somehow learning it. They never asked but I can see that surprise and piling questions on their faces. I am just as relieved that they’re not asking any questions because I don’t know how and if I can answer those.   “Mother, are you sure that you can work in a shop as a seamstress?” I ask changing that odd and silent atmosphere as they fix the clothes I bought for us so we can fit in this city and keeping those that we owned when we were in Scotland.   “Yes, I will like to work for us. I have already talked to the owner and I can start the next day. While we are getting used to this city, I think it will be best if I work somewhere while you do what you must for us. I don’t know how suddenly you know many things you didn’t know at first but…… I trust you Sonia... no I mean Zorenia. You are hiding things from us and we can see that you changed a lot; it is as if you are a completely different person now. But I know you are still my daughter. We will follow what you plan to do. But let me work so people won’t get so suspicious and eerie about us.” my mother said as I just remain silent and look away from them.   “I will also help; I can look for work in the newspaper publishing. They might take me as a newspaper girl in the street.” Elena said making me look at her.   “No Elena, I have a much better plan for you. We just have to wait for a while and when we get our papers… I want you Elena to enter school. You will just have to wait until we get the papers and I will think of a way to send you to a better school. For now, you must stay here and keep this place tidy, might as well make friends with the other kids your age in this place. We need a lot of friends and connections so we must start building some. Do you understand what I said Elena? Don’t worry about money for as soon as we have our papers and can buy a simple house…… I can look for work much better than being a maid.” I said as I look at them.   Elena and my mother look at each other full of questions and shock. They just keep their silence as I nod at them and excuse myself to live and go around the place so I can think of plans. I am walking into this road and I see this advertisement posted in the window of a shop where books are sold. It is about a publishing corporation looking for those authors who want to publish their books in hard copies. I smirk as I take the advertisement before I enter the book shop. I bought many novels that I can so I will have some idea about their kinds of literature at this time. I return to the inn holding the books and some food I bought for us. Elena opens the door for me and my mother comes towards me holding a white envelope. I look at my mother with a deep sigh as I look at the envelope in her hand then at her face with this different expression.   “What- What happened? Why do you look like that?” I ask as I look at their confused and puzzled faces.   “A man came and he said he is sent by the mayor to give you this. I can’t even read what is in it… can you Zorenia? I mean…… you can’t read, right?” my mother asks as they look at the books in my hand.   “Oh don’t worry about it mother, I learned on my own when Lady Cornelia keeps on calling me an uneducated maid.” I said and they turn more puzzled.   “How did you learn without anyone teaching you? Are you…”   “Don’t worry about it. It will be a lot harder to explain and you might not believe me. Let’s just leave it at that.” I said stopping Elena as they look at each other before they sigh and just nod.   I walk towards my bed and open the letter. I smile seeing that it says that they are calling me tomorrow to take the copy of our papers and to pay the half. It also says that they found me some houses that are being sold with a cheaper amount and I am being called so I can check the property. I smile as I fold the letter and went into my drawer and take some money. I look at the pieces of jewelry and think that I have to sell some so that if the money will not be enough for the house property then I will have something just in case. Taking some money I went out and walk into a shop selling pieces of jewelry. I sold some of the pieces of jewelry owned by Laurena and Lady Cornelia but I still keep the others in case I will use those someday when I will take my revenge. For now, I have to get Elena, mother, and myself into a much better state before showing up back in Scotland into the town I now know is called Winterlock and the Broughtstons are the prominent figures of the town. Upon knowing that I snorted because getting information about them will be as easy since they are well-known. Hmnn seems like it might take time for me before I will take my revenge…… but it will be for the best. They said that revenge is sweet even if served late.   “These are your papers, Miss Witman.  Do not worry about anything for I already have it arranged. You are now a child of Stanhore. Are you ready to go and see the houses that we found on sale?” the mayor that I now found out is named Lord Mayor William Walton.   “I see thank you, Sir, here is the other half of my payment and a little gift for your kind help. Can- can we go and see the house property?” I ask as I place an amount into his table taking him by surprise seeing that 20 pounds on his table.   “Oh and one more thing Miss Witman, due to the importance of papers I send people to investigate your claims. I don’t know if you are lying to me but…… I hope you are not.” the Mayor said as I just look at him in surprise, with the smile on his face he must have seen my pale and surprised expression.
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