The Fila Epiphany-44

1108 Words

“CAN YOU IMAGINE WHAT it must have felt like to learn that the secret to faster-than-light travel had finally been discovered, but that you were still fated to live out your life in this stinking cesspit? That your fellow scientists and engineers were actually planning to build an entire f*****g starship but not let anyone travel on it? Can you imagine just how much that would mess with your mind?” Steen glared at the camera so fiercely Cariad hoped for a return of Mina, the woman who had calmed him down the previous time he’d worked himself into a rage. She was in her cabin, spending the quiet shift aboard the Nova Fortuna while she tried to figure out what to do about Montfort. It seemed obvious that he belonged to the Natural Movement. It would explain his evasiveness about allowing Al

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