Chapter 12 - House of Cards-3

1360 Words

“That's… true,” I said, slightly distracted as Vasyl held his fork loaded with pie in front of my face. My eyes crossed to look at it. Constance made an aww noise as I opened my mouth. Vasyl held his hand under the piece of pie as he guided it carefully into my mouth. “Aw, look at the newlyweds,” Constance said. “Reminds me of when we—” Constance shut up. Her face turned beet red. Randy eyed her. “Huh?” Randy said. “Oh… never mind,” Constance said, batting the air with her napkin. Slightly embarrassed, I couldn't help but snicker at the act of Vasyl feeding me. This reminded me of his prelude to s*x. He sometimes enjoyed feeding me. I became really warm at those particular memories. My nervous stomach prevented me from eating much of the pie. I was about to have to tell them what Vasy

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