Chapter 58: Have a row!

1349 Words

"What's going on? I obviously didn't lock the door!" Travis remembered clearly that he didn't lock the door, just closed it. So there is only one truth: Iceberg Girl locked the door! Perhaps the woman doesn't know he's come out, and it's about time to go to bed. She walked out of the hall and conveniently locked the door? Now what should he do? Travis knew that the door had excellent soundproofing, not to mention that the Iceberg Girl's room was at the far end of the house. She must have gone back to her room and closed the door to rest by now. Even if he rang the doorbell, she might not hear it. There's no other way, Travis had to call her. After signing the three articles of agreement, the relationship between the two suddenly fell into a freezing point. In the past, Travis didn'

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