Chapter 20 Next month, I will go home to meet my mother-in-law!

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The next morning, a cold wind blew, and Travis woke up in a shiver. He touched the goosebumps on his body, sneezed twice, and realized that he was actually lying on the cold floor! Are you sure?? This is the corridor outside the house! It's lucky that there is only one apartment on the top floor of the 17th floor, otherwise people passing by would laugh at him! "That woman is so ruthless!" Travis quickly got up and recalled what happened last night. How could he not know that Avalynn threw him outside to sleep? Not only that, he also found several shoe prints on his clothes, and if he wasn't mistaken, they were definitely hers! He just helped her complete a task, and she treated him like this? Turning hatred into vengeance, is that woman really a heartless animal? Click. At this moment, the house door opened. It was only half past six in the morning, and Avalynn had already finished dressing and went back to work! The two bumped into each other and locked eyes. In the next moment, Avalynn walked past Travis as if nothing had happened. Snap! Travis grabbed her fair wrist. Her skin was so slippery that he almost couldn't hold it! "Do you want to die?" Avalynn's eyes glared at him, like a dagger slashing towards him. This man dared to touch her recklessly, he must be tired of living! Travis quickly let go, but he was filled with anger: "Don't you have any sympathy? Even if I'm an i***t, seeing how injured I am, you should take care of me! Just a few more steps, and you left me to sleep on the cold floor overnight? My wounds could get infected!" Although he looked very angry, Travis almost made Avalynn laugh! Who would compare themselves to a pig? "You deserved it!" Avalynn didn't bother to explain, leaving only a sentence before turning around and walking away. Travis was infuriated! If it weren't for him disliking hitting women and promising his mother to take good care of his wife, he would have wanted to act! "Wait, when are you coming home with me?" Before this woman disappeared from the elevator, Travis quickly asked. "Early next month!" After Avalynn's answer, the elevator doors closed. Although it was still far away, at least this woman finally agreed! Frustrated, Travis returned to the house with a belly full of anger, ready to take a hot bath and recover his body. But his sister called early again! Yesterday, Travis promised her that he would tell her when he would bring his wife home. Unexpectedly, that woman called him at seven in the morning. What kind of creatures are women? "Hello, sis!" "Travis, how's it going? Has your wife decided when she'll come home?" "Early next month!" Travis thought of Avalynn's attitude just now and couldn't help but feel annoyed! He was afraid that when that woman returned home, she would still have a poker face and have conflicts with his mother. After all, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was the most difficult to handle in the world! Just like his aunt, she argued and even fought with his cousin's wife every day, leaving his cousin caught in the middle. At least his cousin could choose to side with his own mother or wife, and sometimes he could even make a compromise between them. But Travis knew very well that if he dared to confront Avalynn, today would be his unlucky day next year! If Avalynn treated his mother too harshly or disrespectfully, Travis might argue with her. Once they fell out, if his mother knew that this was just a marriage of convenience, she would probably not be able to handle the shock! So even though Avalynn agreed to go home, Travis was still frustrated, even more nervous than before. He felt like he was bringing home a bomb, and it could explode at any time! "Travis, what's wrong with you? From your tone, it seems like that woman doesn't want to come home?" Mariana's emotions quickly shifted as well. No matter how powerful his brother's wife was outside, when she married into the Duncan family, she belonged to the Duncan family. How could they allow her to be unruly? Even coming back to the Duncan family would be a show of power. The days ahead were long. How could she let her brother and mother endure it? "Sis, no! Please don't speculate. She's just too busy!" Travis quickly defended Avalynn. Even if he had his own emotions towards her, she was still his wife. "That's good!" Once Mariana confirmed, she was in a good mood and suddenly changed the topic: "Brother, sis got an invitation letter to a high-society banquet in Aketard. I heard that many young masters and ladies from prominent families in Aketard will attend!" "Oh, you want to go see handsome guys again?" The person who understood Mariana the most was definitely Travis. This woman was a perfectionist, influenced by idol dramas since middle school! Initially, she liked kpop idols. Then it was Justin Bieber. After that, it was the domineering CEO Mask... Recently, it seemed to be Elio played by Timothee ! In short, the men she liked had to be tall, rich, and extremely perfect! But where could one find such a person in reality? So even though she was already 30 years old this year, she hadn't gotten married yet. It wasn't because her condition was bad, but her ideal partner was too perfect. Even Katherine and Travis had reminded her that in reality, men like those in idol dramas didn't exist, and asked her to lower her standards a bit. But Mariana was unconvinced and still enjoyed going to various occasions to see handsome guys! "Hehe, it's a rare opportunity, so of course I have to go! Who knows, maybe I'll meet my CEO!" Mariana didn't hide anything in front of her brother and directly confessed her goal. She even threatened Travis with a fierce tone, "If you have nothing to do, you should accompany me. Whether your sister can get married or not in this lifetime depends on whether you can be of any help!" Travis: "..." I can't marry you, so what's the use of me being helpful? But when Travis heard that the invitation letter could bring another person and that the event was tomorrow evening, why not go!Anyway, he did his best. If my sister really can't find a husband, it's not his fault. Besides, it's good for him to go out and see the world. Travis is definitely not a narrow-minded person, especially now that he has married Avalynn. She is a senior executive in a big company and probably attends these high-class social events frequently. He needs to start mingling with these circles in order to have common topics in the future! As people often say, after marriage, a person will always be influenced by their partner and gradually become similar to them. Travis is also prepared to make some changes. The next day, Travis returned home. Although he had only been away for a few days, Katherine treated him like he had been gone for years, bombarding him with questions, mostly about his wife. "Travis, your wife will be coming to our house at the beginning of next month. Should we invite your uncle's family and other relatives as well?" Katherine wanted to make the occasion more grand and welcome her daughter-in-law home. However, Travis hurriedly rejected, sweating nervously, "Mom! Absolutely not! Don't invite anyone, we'll just have a simple meal!" "That doesn't seem right," Katherine frowned. "You said she is a senior executive and must often experience grand occasions. She probably likes to eat luxurious food. I'm afraid she won't like it if we make it too simple!" Travis smiled bitterly. It seemed that his mother was very accommodating towards his daughter-in-law. Of course, this was just the beginning. If they continued to always accommodate each other, there would definitely be problems! "Mom, you don't have to be so careful. We should just show our true selves," Travis insisted. Katherine still felt uneasy, but before she could continue speaking, Travis suddenly shouted out!
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