Chapter 10 Borrowing Money from My Wife!

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Reece's mother actually has lung cancer! At this time, the internal medicine doctor also came out and said to Reece, "Your mother is in the advanced stage. She must undergo targeted therapy and chemotherapy immediately. Every day's delay increases the risk to her life!" Trembling, Reece asked, " much does the treatment cost?" "At least 300,000 dollars! Additional expenses will depend on the situation," the doctor said and left. Reece is also a doctor in the hospital. He is well aware of the hospital's rules: without payment, the hospital will not arrange for treatment. "Travis, what should I do now? I don't have 300,000 dollars!" Reece was in a panic! He has only been working in the hospital for two years and he also has a younger sister who is studying in university. They spend a lot of money and there is barely any savings. "Don't worry, there must be a way!" Travis quickly comforted his friend, "I have 50,000 dollars here, you can take it first." After speaking, he handed Reece the bank card that Katherine had given him. "This...isn't this your mother's card? How can I use the money inside?" Reece's eyes turned red and he trembled. This is his best friend's mother's hard-earned money, how could he use it? "Saving a life is more important. Don't think too much right now!" Travis insisted on giving him the card. Reece still anxiously said, "But even with this 50,000 dollars, I can only come up with 300,000 dollars today at most!" "Moreover, I really can't use your mother's money because I don't know when I will be able to pay it back..." Seeing his friend's painful and helpless expression, Travis didn't know what to do either. This scene happened to be seen by Jazlyn passing by. "Heh heh, you two big men crying here in the hospital, aren't you ashamed?" Jazlyn looked down on Travis, and she had just had an argument with Reece. Now seeing them crying, she naturally came to mock them. "Shut up, Jazlyn!" Travis couldn't help but scold, Reece's mother having cancer was already heartbreaking enough, how could he tolerate her making sarcastic remarks? But Reece, seeing Jazlyn, actually pleaded with her, "Jazlyn, you must be rich since you dress so nicely, right?" Jazlyn was shocked by his appearance and cautiously retreated, "What...what do you want?" "Please, lend me 200,000 dollars! My mother has cancer and needs to undergo surgery immediately! I beg you! I will pay you back as soon as I have money!" Although Reece's plea was sincere, he almost kneeled in front of Jazlyn, but she couldn't possibly lend him money. Not to mention that she didn't have it, even if she did, what relationship does she have with Reece? "Heh heh, Don't think too much! I won't lend you any money!" "Sigh, poor people are pitiful. Can't find a wife, can't even afford the surgery fee for your own mother. What woman would be interested in you guys?" Not only did Jazlyn refuse to lend money, but she also made a few sarcastic remarks before leaving. Reece was furious and wanted to push this woman to the ground and beat her if it weren't for Travis holding him back! "Reece, calm down!" Travis tightly hugged his friend who was on the verge of an emotional breakdown. Reece slowly calmed down. If he really beat up Jazlyn, he would be arrested and then there would be no one to help pay for his mother's surgery! Afterward, Reece made more than a dozen phone calls, asking everyone he knew in his contacts, either familiar or unfamiliar, to borrow money. In order to help his friend, Travis also had no choice but to go around asking people for money. But after the whole morning, they only managed to borrow a total of 70,000 dollars, still far from the 300,000 dollars they needed! "What should we do? If we delay any longer, my mother might not make it!" Reece's emotions completely collapsed, and he cried in front of Travis. Taking a deep breath, Travis said, "Don't cry. Let me ask my wife to lend us the money. She will definitely help!" In fact, Travis was not sure if Avalynn would lend him the money. But they had no other choice. For people like them, it was not easy to come up with 300,000 dollars all at once! "Your wife?!" Reece was shocked and stopped crying on the spot, "Travis, have you gone crazy? Since when did you have a wife?" Travis forced a smile and didn't have the time to explain to him. He immediately called Avalynn. After yesterday's incident, Travis directly saved Avalynn's number to avoid being blocked on w******p again. "Hello, what's up?" Fortunately, Avalynn answered his call this time, her tone composed and not in a hurry, indicating that she wasn't in a meeting. "Miss Avalynn, I want to borrow money from you." Travis got straight to the point without beating around the bush. Hearing him call her Miss Avalynn, Reece was also stunned. Was she really his wife? Who addresses their wife like that? "Borrow money?!" Avalynn was also taken aback, then she smirked. She thought yesterday that she might have gotten it wrong, that this man didn't marry her just for money. But it turned out that he revealed his true colors today? But she still asked, "How much?" "128,000 dollars!" Travis said directly. He and Reece had tried various methods and managed to gather a total of 172,000 dollars. They were still 128,000 dollars short. Avalynn immediately asked curiously, "Yesterday, I offered you 100,000 dollars and you refused. But now you're asking me for 128,000 dollars?" "Yes, is it possible?" Travis wasn't one for explanations, and he didn't want to play the sympathy card. He just wanted to know if it was possible. Click! Click! Avalynn hung up the phone directly. Travis frowned, not understanding what this woman's response meant. Was she refusing to lend him money? Reece still hadn't reacted, but judging from Travis's conversation with the other party, it didn't sound like a conversation between husband and wife. Instead, it sounded more like he was requesting something from a superior! "Travis, if it really won't work, I'll go borrow from loan sharks..." Reece didn't want his friend to have a hard time because of him. Regular loans were afraid of various procedures and restrictions, which might end up delaying the payment. But it was said that getting a loan from a non-regular high-interest lender was quick! "Not way!" Travis refused: "If I borrowed that money, it would be troublesome for you to repay!" Just when the two were in a dilemma, Travis's mobile phone suddenly received a message. Ding Dong! Avalynn transferred 200,000 to you! What the hell?! Seeing this message, Reece was stunned, staring at Travis, with a look of envy: "Oh my god, is this woman really your wife? Is she... a rich woman?" She borrowed 128,000, but effortlessly transferred 200,000. It's obvious that she's not short of money! Travis smiled and didn't answer, but the expression of his best friend made him feel uneasy. Did he feel like he was living off someone else's wealth? Moreover, he only knew that Avalynn was a senior executive, and didn't know her true identity or how rich she was, so he couldn't answer Reece's question. "Take it, immediately arrange chemotherapy surgery for your mother at the hospital!" Travis handed the money to Reece with a casual gesture. "Thank you! Thank your wife for me and tell her that I will repay this money as soon as possible!" Reece was so moved that he couldn't help but burst into tears. Travis and his wife had solved all his problems. "No rush, don't think about these things for now!" Travis smiled, in his opinion, Avalynn definitely wasn't in a hurry for that money. But he would still find a way to repay her as soon as possible. After all, blood is thicker than water, and he was afraid that Avalynn might have some thoughts if he borrowed the money for too long. When Reece went to the payment counter to pay, Jazlyn happened to be checking out and leaving. Seeing that Reece suddenly had enough to pay 300,000, she was also shocked! This poor guy had just almost knelt down and asked her to borrow 200,000, and now he had miraculously borrowed it? "Hehe, did you borrow from a loan shark? Be careful, interest accumulates, and you'll never be able to repay it in your lifetime!" Jazlyn couldn't help but sneer. Reece already detested this woman, and hearing her words, he directly retorted without politeness: "This money was lent to me by Travis's wife. As soon as Travis spoke, she immediately transferred 200,000! Fortunately, Travis didn't fancy a woman like you, otherwise, it would truly be a curse for eight generations!" What?! Hearing his words, Jazlyn stood still in shock! Travis's wife? That poor guy actually had a wife?!
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