
Black Moon Curse


Adeline has been cursed moments after her birth, all her life she has been hearing how hard it will be for her. Her wolf has been blocked from joining her and she can't sense her true mate, will she be able to find her true mate?

Adeline's Alpha blood makes her the perfect mate for other Alphas but will they want her when they know of her curse?


"How did you get in here?" I demanded with a growl escaping my lips.

"I can go anywhere I please, with my powers at their strongest tonight." growled the shadowy figure.

"Get out," I ordered in my Alpha tone, but it seemed to have no effect on this figure.

"I have been waiting for this night to exact my revenge on you Calvin," the shadowy figure spat my name like it was poison.

I started for him, there was no way I was going to let this unknown man harm my family...

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Birth of an Heir
Amelia's P.O.V The night was dark and stormy with no moon , rain was pouring down outside and lightning cracked through the night sky. It was the second new moon this month and here I was in active labour. Thunder boomed after the lightning strike. "Ahh!" my screams were ringing in my ears, and drowned out by the thunder. Calvin, my mate, had been sitting with me and encouraging me through the pains for the last ten hours. "You're doing great, Love" Calvin said to me, giving my hand a slight squeeze. The midwife looked up at me, nodding her head with reassurance. "The baby is crowning you're almost there, and you will soon meet your new pup, Luna." said the midwife softly but firmly. "On the next contraction I want you to give me a really big push Luna" I nodded my head and clenched my teeth, my handmaiden holding my left hand while Calvin held the other. I felt the next pain coming and I gripped their hands tightly and bear down with all my strength. "Ahhh!" I screamed as my body felt like it was being torn in half. Calvin looked down at where the midwife was situated between my legs and gave me a bright smile. I felt encouraged by his smile, this was it, I was soon going to meet our pup. "Alright, one more big push, Luna," said the midwife. The next pain came and my scream echoed through the castle. The midwife was working quickly using her skilled hands to guide the baby out and onto my belly. I instinctively put my hands over my pup and felt relieved that it was over. I did it. "It's a girl!" announced the midwife. Just then I felt another pain. I was confused by this. What's going on? Is there another baby? The midwife saw the confusion on my face. " Everything is fine, Luna, it's just the afterbirth coming" she said to alleviate my worry. "One more push should do it." The umbilical cord had already been cut and tied and my beautiful baby girl let out a few fierce cries. The midwife pressed firmly on my lower abdomen and I grimaced at the pain. Calvin was beside me beaming with pride. "You did so great, Amelia my love, she is beautiful." The midwife seemed satisfied after her examination of the baby and I. My handmaiden quickly removed all the dirtied linens and helped me to get comfortable on the bed. Calvin came around and snuggled in next to me, looking at our beautiful little baby in my arms. Her cheeks were so chubby and round and she was mouthing her little fist. Her hair was so blond it was barely noticeable and looked like peach fuzz. "What should we name her?" asked Calvin. " I think Adeline is nice. What do you think?" " Adeline is perfect" replied Calvin. As we were admiring our new pup, a flash of lightning lit up the sky and was followed by a loud boom of thunder. I looked down at Adeline and smiled at her. "What a night to pick for coming into this world, my sweet Adeline," I said to her. " It's a good omen my Luna" said my handmaiden from across the room. Calvin and I both looked at her perplexed. What did she mean by a good omen? Was it the thunderstorm? Why was tonight special? Just then, a wail erupted from the tiny baby in my arms. Apparently in frustration as she continued to mouth her fist. I giggled at this display of hunger from my precious new pup. "I think she is hungry" I said. "Well, it sure seems that way" Calvin agreed, " better feed her before she tries to eat the blanket too." The midwife rushed over to help me get comfortable and show me how to sit and position the baby. It was awkward at first trying to get her to latch on to my n****e. Once she latched on, though, she was sucking away like she knew exactly what she was doing. After a few moments, I started to relax into it. "She's a natural this one. She'll be growing fast in no time." said the midwife. Calvin's P.O.V As I sat and watched my beautiful mate with her long blond hair and chocolate brown eyes nursing our pup I couldn't be happier. We'd been waiting for this pup for a long time. Thunder rumbled the castle again. What a terrible storm, but that made me remember what the handmaiden had said. I started to wonder what she meant when she said it was a good omen for Adeline to be born tonight. I walked over to her where she was preparing extra clean linens for my mate and pup. She was getting some pins and cloth ready for Adeline's bottom too. The handmaiden noticed my approach. "What is it, Alpha?" she asked me. " I was just wondering what you meant about the good omen tonight. Can you tell me what you meant by that?" "Oh, I see, well, tonight is the black moon, of course. A child born under a black moon will be very powerful. Most werewolves believe it is the full moon that gives the most power, but it is actually quite the opposite, it's the new moon," she explained to me. "Alright, what else can you tell me about tonight, and why do you keep calling the new moon a black moon?" I urged her to continue. "Well, as you might know, when the moon is full, the Moon Goddess is at her strongest and therefore giving little of her powers. When the moon is new, it's because she is granting more power those nights and, therefore, she is weaker, hence the waning moon. Tonight is the black moon because it is the second new moon in a month. It's quite uncommon." "That's amazing" I exclaimed. "Adeline's wolf was also born tonight with the power that was granted from the moon goddess. Her wolf will remain with the moon goddess watching over Adeline till her 18th birthday, when they will be united, like we all are with our wolves." She said to me. My heart burst with joy. My little girl was going to be an amazing wolf and Alpha to our pack. We were already a strong pack, not big, but strong. This could only mean better things were happening for the future of our pack. A sudden loud bang echoed through the corridors, and a gust of wind blasted the doors of our room open. Standing in the doorway was a shadowy figure.

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