20: Caught

1554 Words

GIA: I would rather want the rogues to see me stark naked than the beta. If I had not known that he was a wolf inside the sheep's clothing, I might consider shifting back into my human form. But now…it will never happen. Never. I laid still, observing him. Beta Hector wore a fur jacket protecting him from the cold. But since we were werewolves, the cold did not really bother us at all. The snow had temporarily stopped falling, but I heard the weather reports earlier. This bad weather will continue for the next few days. Beta Hector sniffed the air. He wanted to uncover who was the brown she-wolf who dared to defy him. “I said shift!” he growled, the smile disappearing from his eyes. My wolf battled for control. She was torn between answering the beta and running away from him.

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