Before (Prologue)

1154 Words
Eighteen Years Ago She slowly opened her eyes, coughing, as she tried to make out the features of the man. He was carrying her in his arms, as he walked at a steady pace, taking her somewhere. She squinted her eyes to see properly, but her vision was too blur. She even wanted to fight back, but there was no strength left inside her. So she chose to speak to him. "Who... Who are you?" she asked breathlessly, her voice barely audible. But he heard her, as she could feel eyes on herself. "Your guardian Angel," a deep, smooth voice replied, with a hint of amusement. "Save... Save him, please," she begged as tears left her eyes, and her trembling hand moved to her stomach. "My... Baby," she said, gasping for air, as she shivered in his arms from the cold. "Don't worry, Love," he replied. "Nothing will happen to either of you. What's your name?" She snuggled closer to him, but his body was as cool as the air around them. It still provided her with some comfort, though. "Mo... Monica," she managed to whisper, before darkness consumed her again. - - - - Monica slowly opened her eyes, her head still pounding as if she had fallen off a cliff. She actually had, fallen off, but she didn't remember it clearly, her memories as vague as her vision. She tried to move, only to realize she couldn't, as her ankles and wrists were tied down to the hard surface she was lying on. It was then that she started to panic, looking around frantically, and trying to scream. "Help me! Let me go!" She begged, tears blurring her vision further, as she thrashed. Her voice did not come out too high, as she barely had any strength left. "Relax. Calm down," the same, deep voice that had last spoken to her, said in a soothing tone. She felt a cold hand caress her forehead, and weirdly enough, she felt calm. But she knew this man was not her mate either, as she did not feel any sparks when he touched her. He was also too cold to be a werewolf, or even a human. He was something else. "Where am I?" she asked, looking around, but all she could make out was stone walls, and the faint sound of flapping wings. "Are we in a cave?" She asked. "Why am I tied up?" "Stay calm, Monica. You're somewhere safe, and the reason you're tied up, is because I am trying to save your daughter's life. The process might be a little painful, hence the bonds," he said calmly. "It... It's a girl?" Monica asked, as tears finally left her eyes. "Yes," the man replied, walking away from her. "You're sure?" she asked, lifting her head up to be able to see him. At least what she could, with her clouded vision. "Certain," the man replied, returning with something. "Thank you," she whispered, sniffing. "Now lie back down, and keep your eyes closed. You need to be calm. We don't have much time," he instructed, and Monica obliged. A moment later, she felt an excruciating pain in her stomach, and she screamed, her voice echoing against the walls. Tears spilled from her eyes freely, as she raised her head and watched him with wide eyes. All she could make out was the silhouette of a man bent over her stomach, doing something to it, as it bled. "What are you doing?" she yelled breathlessly, thrashing and screaming when the pain broke out again. "Saving her life. Just relax, calm down," he said, walking over to her. He put a plant to her mouth, ignoring her struggles as she shook her head vigorously, tears constantly leaving her eyes. A weird exhaustion took over her, and once he removed the plant, she found it too difficult to stay conscious. "Don't... Please," she begged, sniffing, as she watched him walk back to his position. He had his back towards her for a moment, before he turned to her stomach again. She whimpered in pain when he inserted his bloody hand inside her stomach, causing her to squirm in discomfort and agony. Monica pulled at the material tying her down, but it was too strong, and she was too tired. Darkness started to cloud her vision, but she fought to stay awake. The last thing she saw was the man holding up a knife above her stomach, after which her eyes shut and oblivion consumed her. The man watched the baby die, his chest clenching in agony. It would have been his heart, but he did not have one. The girl was barely the size of his palm. That tiny, innocent creature, that meant the world to him. He had never expected to meet her like that. But everything made sense now. The attraction he felt towards the river, the pain he felt when he saw that woman. The absence of that feeling when he pulled her out of the water, and the sudden return of it as soon as he touched her stomach. It was all because of the little baby she carried in her womb. The little girl who called for him without speaking, the little girl on the verge of death. The girl moved again, just as Monica's body started to rapidly heal. He was able to heave a sigh of relief, as he watched the baby return to safety again, buried in her mother's secure womb. There was still an uneasiness in his chest, however, as he wondered what would become of the mother. She was a werewolf, and so was the child, before he saved her life by turning her. Normally, a human in that state would be called a Fallen. Half revenant, like him, and half human, like he was originally. But this girl was a werewolf, which made her something extremely rare. Half werewolf, and half revenant--two creatures at war since centuries. The girl was a Hybrid, and he knew what that meant; her body would soon be at war with itself, destroying the mother from within. But he could not have that happen. If the mother died too soon, he would lose the girl too. Monica would soon be needing his blood to stay alive, as he was the one who turned the child. He nodded to himself, before untying the woman and carefully picking her up. He carried her out of the cave, and placed her some distance away, on a route that would lead her to Vyania. A small town with a single pack, the Alpha kind and compassionate. They would keep her safe, and he could stay close to her, without his clan suspecting anything. He placed his hand on her stomach one last time, a soft smile playing on his lips after years. "I'll see you again soon, my Little Dove." - - - -
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