The beginning
Hello my name is Sasha Grey and I was hanging out with my cousin Katy Grey and Leo Grey at the park I don't know why but suddenly my cousin felt sad so I try saying to her "hey Katy what wrong are you ok?" she says she wants to talk to our other cousin who's name is Jenna Grey so Jenna she tries cheering up Katy and Katy says to me that she appreciates me checking up on her. i then hang out with Leo who is playing hide and seek and I am the seeker so I close my eyes and look for Leo and we're on the playset while we play I fell of the playset and realise there was a flood in town so I go through the water and appear at home with my parents my parents bought groceries home instead while I am placing the food in the fridge I find my dad's airpods in the with some green light on it and my mum's keys I also found m&ms in the bag and ate them also some m&ms fell in the bag which I ate as well.
Afterwards I went to my job as a waitress and met my friend who is a dragon named Diana she is such a sweetheart she once again helped me at work while we were at work someone burnt out cafe down luckily Diana controls fire powers so she stopped it she is so cool although she is supposed to be an heir to the palace far away but she ran away. "Hello" says the stranger who we haven't seen at our cafe they seem new so I let Diane deal with it I feel awkward and scared when there is a unknown person at our cafe which is unusual because I mostly see our regulars but I sense something off about them I don't really know what but he..."is frightening" says Sasha oh "I'm sorry I didn't realise I said it out loud" says Sasha
"Richard is my name what's your miss"? says Richard
"Umm sorry my name is Sasha and this is my bestie Diana" says Sasha "aight nice to meet you Sasha, oh Diana do I by any chance know you? aren't you Princess Diana"? says Richard. Diana takes her time it was quite awkward the silence then Diana spoke and said "Richard Richardson you've got the wrong person it ould be an honour being princess Diana but my parents just liked the name Diana and I wasn't born into royalty" Richard seems to leave and says "bye, thanks for the delicious food"
I ask Diana if she's ok Diana says "Yea I'm fine just...could you take up my shift I'm sorry I just have to go. I agree to take up Diana's shift I know it's a sensitive topic for her but I don't know what to say or how to comfort her.
It turned evening Diana calls Sasha to see if she's ok and apologies to her for running of instantly after that Sasha goes home to her apartment and meets her precious puppy Rarei