Chapter 10: Audrey's POV

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Elizabeth was riding a huge majestic brown wolf. She didn't notice me, but the wolf saw me almost instantly. "MATE", I heard a voice in my head say and I could feel my eyes glowing. The wolf Elizabeth was riding started running my way. When they got to me, Elizabeth got off and the wolf brushed his head against my waist. I couldn't help but run my fingers through his fur. I felt tingles and sparks and a warm sensation spread through my hand. And then when I knelt down and put my face next to his cheek, I caught a whiff of the most wonderful scent. He smelled like a rainy stormy night. I held his face in my hands and looked into his dark and stormy blue eyes. He started licking my face and I was laughing. I noticed Elizabeth staring at us strangely. "I stood up, but still held on to my mate. "He's my mate", I said with the biggest smile on my face. "Oh my gosh", she squealed and then hugged me. "We're in the middle of a fight, girls. How about you save the hugs for later?", Sebastian said as he rolled in our direction. He snapped my mind back to what was happening. "Their magic isn't working on me", he said excitedly. "It's not working on me either. I don't even think they can tell I'm a seer", I said while laughing. "Elizabeth, you need to go somewhere safe. This is no place for a human", Sebastian said. Elizabeth held up two switch blades covered in blood. "I think I'll be fine for now", she said with a confident smile. Sebastian reached his hand out and touched one of the knives and flinched. "Ouch! Why are these knives so hot?", he asked. Elizabeth just shrugged and tackled a witch to the ground. I couldn't believe what I was seeing infront of me. I had never realised she was this strong and fast and had such fast reflexes. I watched her take down three witches. They all tried casting spells on her, but none of them worked. "Audrey, will you go free those wolves? I'll take care of the trolls", Elizabeth shouted from a distance. One of the witches noticed me heading towards the carriages and started charging at me. Before I could react, my mate flew in the air and ripped her head off. Within seconds he was back by my side. The witches started retreating. We had managed to free most of the werewolves that were locked in the carriages. When we were certain that the witches were gone, the pack members started lining up the deceased and checking who was missing. My mate had stayed close to me the entire time. "Elizabeth, Sebastian! Where are you guys?" I shouted as I started looking for them. "Elizabeth, Sebastian! Elizabeth, Sebastian!", I said in a panicked voice. "Hey, I'm right here", Elizabeth said as she came running to me. "Where's Sebastian", she asked. We both rushed to the deceased bodies. Eight people had lost their lives in this battle. It was difficult for us to look at them and we couldn't help but tear up while looking at their faces. Sebastian wasn't amongst those who passed away. I was both relieved and scared. Elizabeth fell to her knees and started sobbing. I hugged her and suddenly felt the embrace of big strong arms enveloping me. I felt tingles all over my body and instantly felt calmer. It was my mate. I almost melted when I looked into his ocean blue eyes. He brought his face within inches to mine and whispered in my ear. "I'm Jonathan. I'm sorry we had to meet like this." I just gave a heavy sigh. "We have to find him", Elizabeth said with a determined tone. She then turned to look at my mate. "Jonathan, they can't be far. We need to follow them." She stood up and started walking. Jonathan quickly stopped her. "Whoa there", he said in the most angelic voice. "Elizabeth, my people aren't immune to their magic. Also, chances are the witches teleported. That's how they usually travel. They're probably back at their lair by now." Elizabeth ran a hand through her thick hair aggressively. She looked pained and she was sweating a lot, like a lot a lot. "Ow", my mate said as he quickly removed his hand from Elizabeth. He tried putting a hand against her forehead, but flinched and quickly took a step from Elizabeth. "You're burning up. Are you okay?", he said. "Yeah", she answered. I just need to sit down and drink some water." "Someone bring me some water and a wet cloth, please. Pronto!", my mate said. "Yes, alpha", one of the other men replied. Wait, my mate is the alpha of the Blood Claw pack? I stood there frozen in shock. My mate came to stand next to me when he noticed my shocked face. He brushed his hand against my cheek and I couldn't help but lean into it. "Are you okay, my love?", he asked me. I felt those tingles and sparks everywhere he touched me. I was telling my brain to say something, but it's like it decided to stop working so I just nodded my head. He just pulled me in for a hug and started stroking my hair. "Elizabeth, you're really burning up. We need to take you to the pack doctor", one of other men said. Elizabeth was drinking some water filled with ice and the man was patting her head with a damp cloth. "No, it's fine, Mike. I get like this sometimes when I'm upset or angry", Elizabeth said. "It should be gone in a minute. We just need to focus on finding Mathew and Sebastian." "Right", my mate said. "We'll help you find your friends, Elizabeth. After how you and...wait, I don't know your name", my mate said as he chuckled. "Uhm, uh it's uh..." I was struggling to find my words. I felt like a love-struck teenage girl. "It's Audrey", Elizabeth interjected. "She put up a hell of a fight today. I think she's exhausted. Maybe she can get a place to rest?", she asked. "T H A N K Y O U", I mouthed to her. "Of course", Jonathan said while looking at the man who was helping Elizabeth. "Mike, you take care of things here. I'll be back in a few minutes". "Wait!", I said with a scream. "Susan! Susan is still in the car. She begged Sebastian to stay, but I convinced him to come with me." Elizabeth started walking towards me with tear filled eyes and hugged me. "I thought you said you guys couldn't risk entering a werewolf pack's territory?", she asked me. I looked at her and realised my eyes were also filled with tears. "We had to risk it because you're the kindest person we know. We couldn't just leave knowing you were in danger", I said as I hugged her tighter. After we let go of one another, she held my hand. "Let's go get Susan together", she said. ** My mate and I and Elizabeth and the man named "Mike", all walked towards where my car was parked. Before we even got there, we heard someone stepping on leaves and Jonathan and Mike started growling. "Susan is that you?", Elizabeth yelled. "Yes, yes it's me!", we heard Susan yelling. A few seconds later Susan appeared. We could tell that she had been crying. "He's gone isn't he?", she asked with a trembling voice. I nodded my head and she started crying uncontrollably. Elizabeth and I ran towards her. "They took him, Susan. He's not dead. I promise you, we'll find him!", Elizabeth said while hugging Susan. "Oh yeah? Are we going to find him BEFORE or AFTER we find Mathew?", Susan asked almost mockingly. "Elizabeth was visibly hurt by this and my mate and Mike noticed the rising tension. "Susan, is it?", the man named Mike said. I gather Sebastian is your mate?" Susan nodded her head. "Did you feel the mate bond break?" Susan looked up at him and shook her head. "That means he's still alive and will live to fight another day. As long as he's still alive there's hope, and he needs you to not lose any hope right now. That's the only way we'll get him back", Mike said. This calmed Susan down and she started wiping her tears. "This is why you're my beta", my mate said while patting Mike's shoulders. "Speaking of which, Mike in case you haven't noticed, this is your future luna, Audrey. Audrey, this is Mike. He's the future beta of the Black Claw pack. He's my best friend and sometimes knows me better than I know myself." Mike gave me a huge bright smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, luna. We were starting to think our future alpha was never going to find you", he said while chuckling. "Hi Mike. It's a pleasure to meet you too", I said as I laughed at his joke. "You're mated to the future alpha of the Blood Claw pack?", Susan said with a shocked expression. My mate drew me in closer to him and nodded. "It seems I missed a lot", Susan said. We all gave a light chuckle. We got in the car and drove into Blood Claw pack's territory. My mate was driving the car and I was sitting in front with him. I couldn't help but stare at him the entire time he was driving. "Like what you see, my love?", he said when he noticed me staring. I blushed and looked away and he gave a lighthearted laugh. When we got to the gate, the guards opened it immediately when they saw my mate and Mike in the car. He drove us further into the pack until we reached a gigantic mansion. "Say hello to your new home, my love. This is our pack house", Jonathan said as he opened the car door for me. I don't know if I want to live here. I'm used to my New York apartment and I've grown used to the city. Will the pack accept me? I'm not even a werewolf. All these thoughts started racing in my mind while I walked through the pack house. Jonathan noticed that I had tensed up and stopped walking. "Hey, are you okay?", he asked me with a concerned voice. "Yea, this is all just a lot", I said to him. "Well don't worry. We'll take it one step at a time and I'll be right beside you." He hugged me as he said this. "Thanks", I said as I leaned into his hug. I couldn't help but inhale his wonderful scent as deeply as I could. I wanted to hug him even tighter. We finally arrived at one of the rooms in the pack house and when Jonathan opened the door, we saw an older looking man giving orders to three warriors. "Son", the man said as he stood up and gave Jonathan a tight hug. "Dad", I want you to meet my mate and future luna, Audrey", Jonathan said as he pulled me into his arms. His dad looked at me with an excited face and gave me a huge hug. He was hugging me a bit too tight and I started coughing. He then let go and laughed a bit. "Sorry about that. Audrey, I am Alpha Gideon", he said. "It is an absolute pleasure to finally meet you. We were starting to think you'd never make an appearance!" Mike laughed when he heard this. "I said the same thing, Alpha Gideon". "The pleasure is all mine", I said as Jonathan pulled me back into his arms. Elizabeth introduced Susan to Alpha Gideon and told him about Sebastian. After the introductions Alpha Gideon started leading us towards another door in his office. When he opened it, it revealed a boardroom with a large wooden round table in the middle, 12 chairs on the side of the table, 8 PCs and 3 large screens connected to the walls. "I'm very sorry to hear about your mate, Susan", Alpha Gideon said as we all sat down. "He was captured along with 6 other members from our pack. My men and I were in the middle of devising a plan to rescue them all." My mate stood up from his chair and turned on one of the large screens on the wall. The moment he left my side I could feel the cold that was left from the lack of contact. "We have cameras stationed all over our pack lands. We should be able to see the moment Sebastian and the rest of our people were captured", Jonathan said. Footage started playing on the screen. We could see parts of the battle on display right before us. I saw the moment Elizabeth and my mate arrived at the scene. For a moment it looked like her eyes were gold, but the gold disappeared as soon as I saw it. We saw Elizabeth take down multiple witches. She tackled them, punched them, stabbed them, kicked them. She knocked out least 10 witches unconscious and she didn't even look tired in the footage. We were all looking at the footage of her fighting. We were shocked. Most magical creatures require years of training to fight the way she did. I was able to survive that battle because my grandmother taught me how to fight after my parents were killed. Over the years, I've honed my fighting skills by practising in fields or with other magical creatures. Then we saw footage of Sebastian. Two witches tried casting spells on him but it didn't affect him. He tackled them both to the ground, but then two more witches started throwing rocks at him and a huge rock hit him in the head. He lost consciousness and then a troll carried him to one of the carriages and locked it. The witches then started retreating from the pack lands. They didn't leave through any specific gate; they just disappeared into the woods. It's like they turned into nothing. Susan was crying again and Elizabeth started rubbing her back. "As you can all see, five people were immune to the witches' magic: Me, Audrey, Elizabeth, Mike and Sebastian", my mate said as he switched off the screens. We need to find out why that is. Maybe then we can get the entire pack to be immune", my mate said. "Jonathan and Mike, you weren't immune to their magic during their last attack. What changed this time?", one of the warriors asked. "I honestly don't know, Mark", my mate answered. "It seems to me the only thing that was different this time was Elizabeth, Audrey and Sebastian's appearance", Alpha Gideon said. "In the last attack, 20 pack members were taken and 20 lost their lives. This time, due to this immunity, a lot less people died and got taken because the witches' magic had no effect on you. Audrey, Elizabeth thank you very much. And Susan, you should be proud of your mate." My mate was looking at me beaming with pride. He put me in his lap and held my face in his hands. I felt myself getting lost in his blue orbs. "I'm so lucky to have you Audrey. If you hadn't been here, we would've lost a lot more pack members. You're going to make an amazing luna", my mate said to me. "He's right, my dear", Alpha Gideon chimed in. "Not many people would've done what you did. You've shown a great deal of bravery. That's just the type of luna this pack needs." Elizabeth and Susan were looking at me smiling and I couldn't help but blush.
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