Chapter 21: Mathew's POV

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THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS s****l CONTENT Elizabeth hasn't said much to me since Audrey told us about her vision. I need to talk to her about it. For goodness sakes, she's my best friend. She's the only one I've been able to talk to about all these things. I know that she's angry with me, but I was hoping that we could put things on pause and just talk about everything that's going on. But I realise that's actually very selfish of me. "Dammit!", I muttered to myself and punched the wall in my room. "Stop punching the walls, Mathew", I heard Jonathan say in the next room. "My bad, Jonathan!", I yelled back. Orion, you and I have no memories of being in the werewolf kingdom. Do you think this is true?, I asked him. I don't know, Mathew. But I do know that something has made us both forget who we are. I also know that you and I both care for Elizabeth very much and would do anything to keep her safe and happy. I sighed. I was about to get into bed when I heard a knock at my door. "Coming!", I yelled. I opened the door and knew that I would find Elizabeth standing infront of me. I smelled her scent even before she knocked. She was wearing a pink, fluffy pajama crop top with thin straps and matching booty shorts and slippers. Her pajama crop top revealed her slim stomach. She had her long dark wavy hair pulled into a messy bun with strands of hair sticking out all over her head. She smelled amazing. I could smell her hair shampoo, her lotion and her perfume. I needed to hold her. I haven't held her close to me in so long and I have been miserable without her close to me. I pulled her in for a hug the moment I saw her and wrapped my hands around her waist. She resisted the hug for a few seconds, but then I felt her wrap her hands around my neck while she stood on her toes. I kept pulling her closer to me even though there was no space left between us. She and I stood like that for a few minutes until she gently pushed me away. I wanted to pull her back into my arms, but I resisted the urge. She stepped inside my room and sat on the bed. I couldn't keep my eyes off her buttcheecks that were peeking out of her bumshorts while she was walking towards the bed. When she sat down and faced me, I noticed that her ample breasts were almost about to burst out of her fuzzy pajama top. I wanted to rip that top off. I wanted her naked. Why the hell did I want her naked? "f**k", I muttered under my breath. I need to stop thinking about her this way. She and I have a lot to talk about and I need to focus so that I don't mess things up again. I've knocked on her door multiple times a day ever since I said those terrible things to her. She's never opened the door for me and she has made it her mission to do everything she could to avoid me, but now here she is in my bedroom. I am not going to mess this up. "So, how are you handling all this?" She looked like she had been crying. Her eyes and nose were red and it crushed me to think that the thought of just talking to me made her this upset. I lifted her off the bed and wrapped her legs around my torso. Then I sat down on the bed with her on top of me. I felt her fingers running through my hair while she gently pulled at it. I nestled my head in the crook of her neck and inhaled her scent as deeply as I could while caressing her behind. I instantly felt my body relax as I filled my lungs with her scent and couldn't stop the groan that left my mouth. The hardness in my grey sweatpants was pressing against her core and I heard her releasing a few stiffled soft moans. "I'm so sorry for saying all those things to you". I was gently pushing her back and forth against my hardness and her moans were getting louder. My hands had slid into her shorts and I held her plump behind in my hands with no clothing in the way. I was kneading her behind and every now and then my finger would graze against her core which I could feel was soaking wet. "You are none of the things I said. You are the most amazing person I know. Any guy would be lucky to have you. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, Elizabeth. Please forgive me. I'll do anything to make it up to you. I promise I'm going to make it up to you." I was groaning and panting against her chest while her hips were instinctively rocking against my hardness. She was moaning and whimpering. It sounded like heaven to me. I started giving her neck gentle and wet kisses and sucked at the crook of her neck, where I've recently learned would be a mate's mark spot. This made her dig her nails into my back and arch her head and back for me. I pulled her head back to me and crashed my lips into hers while she kept rubbing her wet core against my hardness. Our tongues were gently wrestling one another. I stopped the kiss to catch my breath, but she pulled my face to her and crashed her lips into mine. "f**k, you're so wet for me baby" I had slipped my hand into her pajama shorts and lacy underwear and started rubbing her core with my fingers. She was so wet and it was driving me insane. The smell of her arousal filled the room and I wanted to taste her. I needed to taste her. "Mathew...Mathew" She was moaning my name so loudly and breathing heavily while I gently rubbed her wet core and planted wet kisses all over her neck and shoulders. Her hips were instinctively riding my hand. "Talk to me, baby. Tell me you want me. Tell me you want me to be yours and I'll make you mine right here." I was now pulling one of the strings of her shirt down. Her breast popped out of the shirt without any delay like it was begging to be released. "I want you, Mathew. I've always wanted you." She was rubbing her core against my finger in a circular motion. I greedily put my mouth on her breast and started gently sucking while rubbing her budding nerves with my hand. She was crying in pleasure and screaming my name, and I wanted her to keep making these angelic sounds. "You're mine, Elizabeth. Mine!" Orion was howling in my head. He was enjoying her with me. "Wait, Mathew we need to stop. We need to talk." Her breathing was uneven, and I could tell that just like me, she didn't actually want to stop. She removed my hand out of her pajamas and pulled away from me. She got up from my lap, and I had to resist the urge to finish what we were doing a mere seconds ago. She fixed her pajama top and her breast was no longer popping out like I wanted it to. Her face was flushed and she was trying to pretend like she and I didn't just have the time of our lives. She took a deep breath and then sat on my bed. I smiled at her because I had a feeling she was going to be sleeping in that bed tonight. "Mathew, I'm here to talk to you; not to do that. I definitely didn't think we would do THAT" She was fanning herself with a hand like she was trying to cool down. I just chuckled. I was holding her a mere seconds ago and I knew she also wanted to continue what we were doing. She cleared her throat and used her most serious no nonsense voice. "I want to talk about what happened in that meeting hall. You just found out that you may be the werewolf king. How do you feel about all this? Are you okay?" She was still trying to compose herself. I let out a deep sigh and sat next to her. "Honestly, I just want to take you and get out of here. This world keeps getting more complicated and dangerous by the day." I pulled her closer to me and inhaled her wonderful scent again. "I don't think either of us can escape this world. This is where we belong now. You and I have to each find our place in this world." She was chewing on her lip and avoiding looking at me. "Believe it or not, I miss Eric and everyone at the restaurant", I said as I laughed lightly. She laughed as well. "Knowing you, you probably called Eric the moment you arrived at this pack" She was now walking around in my room and looking at random things. It's like she was trying to avoid getting too close to me again. She was right. The night I got here, I called Eric so that he wouldn't worry about me. I've been calling him, emailing him and having video conferences with him and the other staff to make sure everything was going alright. They were able to open our second restaurant last week. Even though I couldn't be there, it was a huge success and people have been talking about it constantly on social media. "Your'e right, I've spoken to him everyday and every single time we spoke, he asked me about you. That's another reason why you and I should go back home" I stopped her in the middle of the room and held her face in my hands. "Elizabeth, I would leave this entire world and the so-called werewolf kingdom if it meant you would leave with me." I was surprised by her reaction. I thought her eyes would reflect the same adoration I held for her, but there was just sheer determination and great pain looking back at me. "You know you don't mean that." Tears threatened to escape her eyes, but I could tell she was trying not to cry. She removed my hands from her face and started talking before I could even respond. "Do you think Eric will be okay seeing me with golden flames in my eyes? It's probably best if I try to look normal again." She was clearly trying to change the topic. I stopped her pacing again and looked into her warm fiery eyes. "Eric will adore you no matter what your eyes look like, Elizabeth. You know that." She gave a light chuckle. "I know things are weird between us, but I just wanted to tell you to keep an open mind when you get to the werewolf kingdom tomorrow", she said nervously. "You've been trying to find your birth parents for a long time. Maybe this is what you've been waiting for." "Perhaps you're right", I said to her. "I mean, I don't remember anything from before I was adopted. Maybe this really is what I've been searching for all these years." The flames in her eyes were moving rapidly and burning brighter. Her caramel skin was getting warmer, but she wasn't panicking like she normally would when she started burning up. She smiled at me nervously. "Uhm so...I'm not coming with you tomorrow." I frowned at her and I could feel Orion was also unhappy hearing this. "I know things aren't the best between us, but I need you to come with me. You've been with me every step of the way since all these weird things started happening to me. I need you there, Elizabeth. Please!" My voice was laced with desperation. She took a step away from me and turned her back to me. "I kind of have something I have to do tomorrow" "What do you have to do?" I knew this was just another tactic to avoid me. I had hoped that our intimate session from a few minutes ago made her understand that I reacted the way I did because I was jealous and couldn't stand the thought of someone else touching what's mine. "It's just something I need to do on my own, so I can't come with you." She still had her back turned to me. "Elizabeth, when you and I became friends we agreed not to keep secrets from each other. You can tell me anything." She balled her fists and then looked at me with eyes which now had much bigger flames. "You and I both know we're no longer friends after what happened, Mathew." Her skin was getting much hotter now. Her eyes were also burning brighter and I swear I could feel some heat coming from them. "You're right, we're more than friends", I said in a low growl. "And I know we may be going through a rough patch and I know it's all my fault, but you're mine Elizabeth.You're mine." "No, I'm not Mathew!" Her voice was cold and stern. I took a deep breath. I decided it was best to steer the conversation in another direction because I was clearly making things worse right now. "If you're not coming tomorrow then at least promise me that when I come back you and I will sit down and talk about everything that's been going on between the two of us. Promise me you'll stop avoiding me." She didn’t answer me and just turned to go open the door. I grabbed her hand before she could open it and gently pressed her head against my chest. "I'm not going to let you push me away again, Elizabeth. I know I messed up and I know I don't deserve you, but you need to know that a life without you is not something I can bear. Please promise me we'll talk when I get back." I couldn't hide the desperation in my voice. The thought of her continuing to avoid me like she has for the past two weeks was sending chills down my spine. Orion and I only managed to stay sane because even though she refused to give us the time of day, she was still close and we could steal glimpses of her everyday. "I..." Her voice sounded shaky. "I promise that when you get back, you'll be able to be happy and successful and safe again." I gave her a confused look, but before I could ask what she was talking about, her soft lips were on mine and her sweet tongue was entwined with mine. I pressed her against the door and lifted her up so that her legs were wrapped around my torso. I captured each one of her lovely moans in our kiss. She stopped our kiss abruptly and I felt her legs unwrap themselves so I put her back on the ground. "We should get some sleep, Mathew" , she said as she got out of my embrace and tried to leave the room. "Why don't you stay in my room tonight? We'll watch a rom-com, you can paint my nails even though you know I hate that, I'll get us some snacks and we can just stay here together for the night." I was standing inches away from her and pulling her waist against my hard body. She looked at me like she couldn't believe what I was saying. "Uhm, I don't think that's such a good idea." She had a mischievous smile on her face. "You have to get up early tomorrow morning. We should get some sleep." I gave up trying to get her to stay, deciding I had the rest of my life to convince her to spend the night with me. I would talk to her as soon as I return from the werewolf kingdom and definitely finish what we started tonight.
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