EP 07: If You Keep Playing Like This

2963 Words
Click. The sound of the functioning vending machine filled my ears until a loud thud cut it. I crouched and picked up my coffee-in-can, popped the easy-open lid and took a sip. Refreshing. Another sip. I'm alive. Now, time to finish the script. "I want to sleep," I grumbled as I hit the keyboard efficiently. Zea, who seemed to have suddenly appeared beside me, laughed in amusement. "Hang in there, Levi," she said, tapping my shoulder, before going back to the handcrafting team. I followed her with my gaze as I rested my eyes from blue light and caught Caly observing my direction while she sat on the floor, folding Japanese papers. I raised a brow. She looks like a meerkat on guard. I winced when she moved her brows up and down, up and down, with a suggestive expression painted across her face. My look of disgust was summoned when she puckered her lips and did it along with a wink. What the? Bringing my laptop with me, I went to the back of the back row of seats and proceeded to type in peace. The hell's that pig up to? I don't know. Whatever it is, she's getting into my nerves that my face starts to feel hot. I peeked from my lashes and saw the pig witch already back on doing her task seriously. I quickly scanned the auditorium. Everyone's in a bustle. There are only four weeks left before the performance, after all. Apart from that, I found out that scouting agents from big theater production agencies are going to watch. Rest almost sounds impossible to every part of the team, especially to the actors, as after practice, they would go around and lend hands on the making of costumes, props, backdrops, and the other bits of the production. Good thing the pig's wrist has fully recovered so she's able to join the handcrafting part. As for me, I'm almost done with the script. I want to finish it early this week, so I can rest easy for the remaining weeks. "Cal?" My gaze shifts towards the owner of the voice. Averiel, their team's newbie. I sneakily studied him as he smoothly approached Caly, whom he casually threw a nickname on, and talk to her with a rather toothy smile he doesn't normally show to others. Tch. Teenagers are so bold. "Let's pack up! Good job, everyone!" yelled the team director by 9PM and everyone did as he said. "See you on Monday!" It's only natural for them to go home late since their hands are full, and it has, of course, affected Caly and I's routine. We stopped restaurant-hopping for fine dining and instead started buying from fast-food drive-throughs. It's been like this since the beginning of the week. I'm surprised I haven't had any stomach problems yet. "Oh, it's now showing," says her out-of-the-blue while she drives after we passed by a digital billboard. I didn't say anything but turned up the volume of the car's stereo, staring outside the window at the process. My head hurts, and it's highly likely due to the fact that I've been squeezing out words and ideas for the script. "I saw the trailer. It seems worth the time and money," she pushes again, making me click my tongue. "What do you want?" I asked, irritation evident in my voice. "Let's go to the cinema this Sunday," she replies cheekily without pretense. "Watch it with me." I was thrown off balance by that. For a while, I couldn't answer. Questions flood my head. Questions like: Why is she asking me to watch a movie with her? Isn't she supposed to be my bodyguard? I'm the one who should be requesting something like this, right? What's going on in this pig's head? How shameless can she get? Is it a date- "Ahem," I cleared my throat. The appropriate reply I should provide is "No," but it's like betraying myself if I say so... "Alright," I answered at the end. I heard her mutter a small "Yay" and I had to lean my mouth on my knuckles to hide my grin. Ergo, here we are at the cinema in the late afternoon on Sunday. What was I grinning about that night? I want to go home. "You look like you want to go home," she pointed, then shook her head, with a look that said, "poor kid." She gave me her credit card. "I'll buy the tickets. You go buy snacks," she says then ran to the ticketing booth. I watched her back as she did. She's not wearing her usual boyish outfit nor the business suit. She's actually a little dressed up for tonight. Clad in a white shirt dress and ankle-length, nude leather boots, she also styled her hair but kept it down. Moreover, I believe this is the first time I saw her wearing lipstick. She pulls off this gentle look so easily. At first glance, she could pass as an angel. At second glace... Just don't give her a second glance and you're good to go. "Just tell me that I look good tonight instead of ogling." Ah, I didn't realize she's already back. There's a playful smirk playing on her rose-colored lips that is punchable, nothing near tempting. "Ogling, my foot," I jeered, then went to buy our food. Well, she does look good. "Two nacho buckets, please." As I waited for the food, I realized I didn't know what movie we are going to watch, let alone see the trailer. Whatever. I'll find out later. It's just when we're about to enter the cinema that I realized what I'd gotten myself into. "What am I looking at?" I asked as I stared blankly at the movie poster in front of the hall we're entering. It's the R-18 movie everyone in the online forum has been talking about. They said it's almost like watching p*rn. I landed my horrified gaze on the pig who's currently giving me an angelic smile. For Pete’s sake, why is this girl inviting me to watch p*rn with her? She nudged me on the side with a taunting laugh, then muttered, "Come on~ Drop the act. I've seen the videos on your laptop, you know!" "Those aren't mine," I hissed. I'm positive those are Raze's. I'm going to give him a piece of my mind later. "Sure, sure~ Let's go!" "Buzz off!" "Ahh. Ahh!" I groaned in annoyance as I covered my face. It's hot. Caly wanting to watch this with me is one, but watching something like this without an opportunity of privacy is two. Peeking between my fingers, I can see the pig keenly watching as the erotic scenes unfold before her eyes. She has an earnest look on her face as she continuously popped nacho chips into her mouth. I can't help but scoff in disbelief. The movie ended with me having to go to the washroom and Caly laughing without brakes. She sure enjoys seeing me suffer. We went to eat at a fine-dining restaurant afterward. It's like a treat after having to eat tons of fast-food for the past few days. Probably 'cause of that that we ordered a lot, and the bill was worth my concern. I said I'd share the bill with her, but she insisted on paying everything. She's been treating me a lot lately that it's kind of shady, but since I don't have much... Guess I can be this shameless, too. "Shall we go to the arcade?" Huh? "Let's sing for a bit!" Wait. "We should take pictures before we leave." It's just like a- "Did you enjoy our date?" I knew it. Calming the loud and erratic thumps in my chest, I silently lifted my upper torso from the backrest of the passenger seat and sat properly. We've just arrived here in the parking lot of her apartment building. "Hey..." I called out, meeting her questioning eyes. "What do you think a date is?" I asked. It might not be what I'm thinking, so I need to be sure. "Hanging out to get to know each other?" "Get to know each other for what?" She lifts two digits in front of her, as if posing for a picture. “For peace?" It's a relief that I asked. Or is it? A chuckle escaped from my lips as I unfastened my seat belt. "Yeah, I did. You had fun the most, though," I commented, considering how much she laughed after finding out I got a hard-on. "You bet!" "What's so funny about it? You're really a pig." I was about to open the car door when she stopped me. "Three... Two..." Hah. I'm spent. She fishes something from her dress' pocket. Seconds later, she held up her fist, and asked for my palm. "No." Her expression darkened. "Pardon?" I got chills, so I threw in the towel and opened my palm in front of her. Her light aura quickly returned as she let go of what she was hiding in her fist. It's a hair tie. Lifting my gaze, I saw a pig stuffed with a proud smile. "Your long hair always gets in the way, especially when you're eating, so I figured you needed that." You realized that just now? I have been using your one and only hair tie when you're not around. Pfft. Nonetheless, I'm really... "Thank you," I whispered with a grin that I didn't know what it looked like. All I know is what I'm feeling. The pleasant feeling of knowing she's paying attention to me. Sigh. And yet, this is bad. This is seriously bad. "I forgot to tell you," I began and I was already regretting it. "You look..." "I look dashing, huh?" she pitches in sassily, doing a hair-flip. Oh, god. I like her confidence, I agree, but the timing! I couldn't hide my bitter expression as I continued, "Yeah. You look less of a pig tonight." The following weekdays occurred as usual. The day starts and ends in the auditorium. We go home knocked-out and munch on fast-food takeouts. I take a bath and pass out on the sofa then wake up early again. Sometimes, Caly would insist on applying skincare on me, and my weariness surrenders painfully to the cold and dripping face masks, patches, and creams she keeps putting on my face. I'd wake up with glowing skin the next day, though. Other nights, she would ask me to watch her spew her lines to hear my feedback. If not that, we're probably bickering about stupid stuff like the topic we picked a bone about last time, which is which kids' channel remains superior. More often than not, the latter's the case. Tonight, though, is a bit different. "Are we taking a detour?" I asked as soon as it dawned on me that she was taking an unusual path. She pointed at her untouched drink, and I took the hint while I waited for her answer. "Nah," she returns, fetching something from her jacket's pocket. She lifts a small piece of paper afterward... A ticket? "We're going to a local fair!" I flashed her a frown while I handed her the drink I just put a straw in. She's supposed to be tired after all that singing and dancing they did all day. "Aren't you exhausted- Wait a sec, more importantly, why are you taking me there without my permission?" I swear, things keep getting more out of hand as time goes by, and I'm getting carried away without even noticing.". The thin, red line between us is losing its color. Has she been this close to the line for a while now? "Aren't we past that point in our relationship?" she dismisses my argument in a heartbeat, even gesturing her hand "shoo." If I was a cartoon character I would've had that throbbing, vein-popping sticker on my temple. "I'm beat. I want to rest," I added after mustering all the crumbs of patience I have in my body. "This ride-all-till-midnight couple promo expires tomorrow. We can't miss a boat like that, yes?" Couple promo? Damn it. She sounds like she's making fun of my obvious attraction to her. "I don't care. Listen to me while I'm still asking nicely. Alright?" I tried again, this time with an ominous tone. Red stoplight. The car stands-by. My answer remained unanswered as she kept her gaze ahead with an unreadable expression on her face. It's making me uncomfortable. "Are you really tired?" she breaks her silence under the green light, then steps on the gas again. "If it's true, I understand. I'll take you home and bring another person with me." "Okay." I shoved a handful of French fries in my mouth. My hands are all oily now. She hands me her phone. "Will you phone Averiel for me, then?" My chewing slows down. Why Averiel, of all people? I stretched my arm and the pig glanced at me when I didn't take her phone. "Uh, what did you do?" she asked, annoyed. "Can't you do this much for me after refusing my invitation?" "I wiped my hand on your sleeve," I blurted, waving her off and training my eyes on my phone I just unlocked. "And don't bother the kid. I'll go with you." "Ejection seat!" "Roller coaster!" "Frisbee ride!" Why do I tend to get dragged into these kinds of situations lately? "Wasn't it fun?!" whooped Caly. Her eyes are about to cry stars. I wiped my mouth while I glared at the pig witch. I just finished blowing chunks, and she's asking me that? "Your face looks really punchable right now," I retorted, which she outright ignored by grabbing my wrist. She started running, and I followed suit despite my protest due to her tight grasp. Ah, her light perfume is wafting. "For the last ride~" Finally. It's almost twelve. To my relief, the last ride was a Ferris wheel. Since this is a local fair, the height it reaches is just right, a.k.a. it's sufferable. After all those extreme rides, this is a good breather. Hah. That girl's such a thrill-freak. I entered the cab, sat down, and secured the bar that would lock me in place. The assistant operator double-checked this before going to the next cab... Hmm? I stared at the empty side of the cab. Caly's not here. Is she going to take another cab? I looked below to check as I kept ascending. She's down there. Not in a cab. She didn't ride any. I've been had. My lip curled in pique. She's clearly cackling down there. "See you in the car!" she yelled, then sashayed, heading to the parking lot. That pig witch! After I got off the ride, I sprinted straight to the parking lot. How should I get my revenge done? Take back my book's copy? Leave the script unfinished? Put paper mints in her contact lens case? I've been holding back, but this is the last straw. I immediately spotted her back. "Oi," I called out, and she turned around to face me. Her face is bright, especially her eyes. No, it's not that I'm smitten. It makes sense - she's holding a cake with a lighted candle, first and foremost. "Happy birthday," she greeted with her face painted with a ray of sunshine. "No, it's really not because I'm smitten," I muttered to myself, yet I was left melting when the cold breathes of heavens blew the light out, and even then, she was still, unmistakably, dazzling in my eyes. I nodded absent-mindedly. "Right... Happy birthday to me." It was completely buried at the back of my head. Well, I did just as I expected. It's not like I thought about celebrating it. All of my birthdays have always been irrelevant. There used to be big parties, rooms full of gifts, crowds of playmates, and endless feasts. Nevertheless, their meaningfulness was beyond my knowledge. "Ah, s**t," Caly cursed as she struggled to press the lighter. What's with tonight then? I feel too good for this to be true. Maybe I like her more than I thought? Why am I getting the urge to wrap my arms around her? I'm just watching this girl curse at the wind every now and then. This annoying girl who dares to talk back to her employer, calling him a bastard, dude, asshole, waking him up in the most sucker punch-begging manner, turning him into a chauffeur after getting drunk, dragging him around, and taking advantage of his jealousy. The same girl who dares to wear her heart on her sleeve, crying in front of him, taking pride in his accomplishments, calling him an ally, making sure he eats and takes his medicines when he's sick, believing in him, giving him a hair tie, and surprising him on his birthday... The pig lifted her head when I began walking towards her. Panic seemed to kick in, realizing the candle was still not ready to be blown out. "Slow down, Lev. Slow down," she reminded while clicking the lighter. Lev. I chuckled. This is the first time I heard her call me that. She's giving me too many hooks to bite on. Of course, I won't slow down. In no time, I got in front of her. Closing a few inches between our faces, I accepted the icing staining my shirt, with her surprised face and frozen state as the redress. "Warning," I whispered against her cheek as I ran my finger up her neck until I was cupping her jaw. I gently turned her head to lock my desirous eyes with her faltering ones. "If you keep playing like this, I'm going to get greedy."
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