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Amanda's POV It was one cold night in December at the pack that my world changed. I am Amanda Lewis, Ine beautiful angelic girl looking forward to making my dreams come true soon, and very soon. Life at the pack was pretty difficult, I lived with my extended family at the pack. it was at this place that I was treated like an outcast, like a second class, citizen and the worst part of it, the house belonged to my dear father. At this place, it looked like a girl had no place for dreams. I could not dare to dream. I felt lovely from my father and mother. Anyway, who should love me anyway thought Amanda? My father use to be one very wealthy man, we had this big building, it is just something that shouldn't be for our kind like they say. The big giant walls were painted with big drawings of giant wild wolves, that looked like real-life wolves looking for prey to devour, they seemed so real, and it was beautiful, nevertheless, my father had lost everything he had. I wonder how my father made so much wealth because here in this pack, it is quite different from other packs, the class system here could keep some group of wolves poor forever. My father belonged to that class, but he did try to amass some wealth for himself, but he made very wrong choices in life that left him very broke. It made my father a beginner at the pack, he was treated with disdain by a lot of members of our pack and of his extended family even though my father gave them a roof over their heads and they lived with us, in my father's house. My father was greatly disliked, the dislike was much even from members of his own family and it was because my father became wealthy despite the class system working at the pack. If they did not dislike my father, they would not treat my mother and me with so much disdain. When I was little, I would always scrub my Aunt's back and floor, She thought me how to give a good massage and I did it uncountless times against my will. One day my aunt screamed at me "Amanda...come here now" I stopped what I was doing and my mother told me to dash off...."go answer your Aunt quickly my mother" Mom said. But as I ran up the stairs, I fell off the stairs and I could hear my aunt's loud laughter, very loud laughter. She didn't care that I had fallen off the stairs. I ran to my mother with my blood-stained cloth, my mother consoled me. She has always endured, that was just how my mother survived. My aunty never treated me like a niece, the major reason we have to keep toxic people far away, they can't be pleased, no matter how hard you tried, afterall my father housed all these people. The painful trauma of being wealthy then crumbling down having nothing financially anymore, then happened the sudden death of my dear father. I was just a little girl who became very heartbroken and the night I lost my dad was a very sad cold night. It was that night my mother told me that I must not live a low life because I was never low, and no one was ever created lowly. My mother warned me that my extended family would treat me badly now that my father was gone, especially Uncle John because Uncle John never wanted my dad to walk down the aisle with my mother, but my mother told me something I won't ever forget. My mother hugged me that night. I could see the big wall clock on the wall but I couldn't tell what time it was, as my mother carried me in her arms like a baby. My mother put me gently on the mattress and ran her hands through my hair and she sang me a bedtime song so that I could fall asleep, but I could not sleep. I was a little girl, but I guess I probably had a premonition that night in December when I lost my father. Before that night, I was sad all day as my mother held me, she said, "little Amanda, your father might have gone very far away, but I must tell you this, it is simple and short, so you do not ever forget. One day you must become Luna, it's a prophecy baby Amanda, the moon goddess chose you, you must and will become Luna, Luna of the Rubby pack. You will marry the little pup, who would become the Alpha of this pack, his name is Peter... Peter Anderson of our Rubby pack. I have to tell you now little one, I do not know how much time I have left as well little Amanda" I browse at my mother in the eyes. I was little, but I knew what it meant to be mated to an Alpha. I knew who a Luna was, this little me was going to be Luna? I checked my thought. "I Amanda would become Luna of Rubby pack!" I asked Mom. I was glad, very very happy. My joy abounds, I stared at the big wall clock on the wall again as it tickled away. Everywhere seemed so dark, that I could not even see the beautiful face of my dear mother. I watched my mother in dim light, and how it flashed all over her, making me look like the real queen. No wonder my Aunt gets angry with my mother. My Aunt can't be as pretty as my Mom never, never. My mother is beautiful. she has got very long silky hair, and beautiful sparkling eyes like diamonds, even when she stared at me, right in that dark room I could see her clearly, I got my beautiful face from my mother and though I was little, I kept thinking of what my mother just told me. So I would become Luna, Luna of the Rubby pack. I was young but I knew what it meant. I knew being Luna here wasn't for everyone, especially someone from my family but my mother said it's a prophecy and my family wasn't of the class qualified to produce a Luna. In our pack, even though I was very little I knew the Alpha could not get married to just anyone who is as lowly as me in status like they say here though my father was the wealthiest amongst his siblings, nevertheless ours was not such a family that the Alpha could get a mate from. That is how it has been, only the prophecy could change that if that is ever possible because we were considered lowly. Here in this Pack, there is a class system and my way was of a downward class, normally it's just not anyone should dream of ever becoming Luna ar Rubby pack. So when my mother told me of the prophecy, I wondered if I dared to dream. Well, my mother insisted that I am the fated Luna of Peter Anderson, the young pup who would become Alpha Peter Anderson in years to come...I fell asleep and hoped nobody dared wake me up. The prophecy was a great relief for me because it was when my father died, that I saw the cruelty of men. My uncles treated my mother and me very badly, especially Uncle John, just like my mother predicted he didn't care that he was right in my own father's house, yet we were treated like peasants. If Uncle John had his way, he would have sent mother and me away from that house. Nobody dared stand up to Uncle John only my mother tried to protect me. I still remember only my mother. Who else could, they loved how they lived but I wanted a free world, a world where a girl could dare to dream. A world without class, where I could be whoever I wanted to be. I knew someday I was going to leave the pack no matter what, and when I become Luna, I would make sure that I make things so that where everyone could be treated equally. I knew there could be a life like that, I knew I could get that life. I had nothing, nothing at all, all I had was a prophecy, and a dream, I dreamt to a renowned reporter. I longed for that life where I could be anything and love whoever I wanted. Why should I need a prophecy, why should there be a prophecy, why can't I have whomever I wanted, why should everyone think I couldn't be Luna. My aunty even got Angry about the prophecy, she told my mother, that my mother should never trouble me with big dreams. My Aunt had screamed, "Amanda our family can't ever be Luna!" But who says a girl has not got a right to dream. We could all get a fair chance in life. Well, my Aunty lied, a girl has got the right to dream. To dream and dream very big. One more thing, I Amanda Lewis will become Luna...Luna of the Black Rubby pack no matter what.
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