Last Night on Smithfield Street-4

1395 Words

Part 5—Boy-Love Forever As Key took a Sunday afternoon nap I decided to write another chapter of my next gay mystery, Under His Covers. My office was rather small and compact: Netbook on a mahogany desk; two windows that overlooked city houses and Key’s tomato garden; Colt calendar on the wall telling me it was the end of August; Danish Modern reading chair; shelf of novels and nonfiction tomes. The floor was comprised of wooden boards recycled from an old Lancaster barn, splintery with a rather dull gray hue because of much use. Atop my desk was a picture of Key and me at Walt Disney World: suntanned, happy, smiling. Beside the photograph sat a second photograph. In it, we both sported black tuxes accented in rose red, our commitment ceremony day, May 28. The photograph was taken a dozen

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