Chapter 1

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GABI POV Life is hard, short and simple. Some have it easy and some don’t, some have good experiences that makes them grow, some have bad experiences that makes them change whether it be good or bad, they always change. My life changed after my sister Sarah was born, I was already nine when she was born, so I had to play the big sister/mom role early. My parents wasn't all that bad when I was growing up, they were so good that I didn't notice the little changes, the secrets that were full on display. They both handle the house and our lives so great that we were the perfect illusion of a happy family, but, after my dad lost his job and mom started travelling more frequently for work, things took a turn for the worse. Apart from the fact that my parents hardly came home, they neglected Sarah which meant I had to take care of my sister, even thought we had nannies, they were always problems. Problem that arouse from money or actions of our nannies, some of our nannies would blow out the allowance my parents left for us before the month was up, some others will verbally abuse us mostly me when I stood up and stopped the unnecessary spending. It went on for a while until I met my best friend. Her family hired me as a part time maid two years after our meeting, It was a blessing and a curse. It was a blessing that we got our own money so the money my parents sent had nothing to do with Sarah and I. I made sure we had our own. The only bad part was that I had to leave Sarah home with the nannies a lot to work and that didn't sit well with me either but I did what I had to do to ensure we had what we need. My name is Gabriella Henry, I am currently seventeen years old, although I have been through some serious s**t in my young life I don't allow myself to feel pity and I will not be pitied or allow anyone to feel sorry for me. One important life lesson I learnt at a young age was that 'if you want to achieve something in life, you do it on your own without relying on anyone'. Don't rely on anyone and never tell anyone all of your secrets some thing are better left unsaid and buried deep in your memory bank. I’m currently sitting on my bed reading another text from my parents saying that they will be home tonight, that they had something to talk to me about, normally that would mean mom is taking some long ass trip again and dad's going on some sort of drinking weekend with his friends, friends that we never met before, sometimes, I would like to think dad is working and is hiding from mom other times I think he has another companion that he busies himself with. But all of that is speculation they would normally make their appearances when the neighbors start talking about them being away for too long. I looked at the message again and then at the time, it was time to get the day started, my routine was simple but effective, wake up, shower, change into my boyish clothes simply because girl clothes are to fitted and hardly comes in dark colors, get breakfast ready and then wake up the princess. This year we are Cinderalla. She's a sucker for anything fairy tale with a handsome prince. I would love to tell her life isn't a fairy tale but just because I was robbed of the fantasies doesn't mean I would do her the same. Unlike me, Sarah has someone to protect her from the monsters in the dark. I took a quick shower and looked at myself in the mirror, every single day I look at my refection hoping to see something else but its always the same, my brown eyes looked tired, my black hair look like it needs cutting really bad, don’t get me started on my body, yes, I'm muscular but that’s all because of an incident that happen to me when I was thirteen. The incident that changed my life, what started of as a regular day turned into my worse nightmare that wont let up. It was not long after my thirteen birthday, my parents had now started traveling and my mom hired a nanny to look after us. She was an average woman, blonde, medium height, green eyes and a ton of makeup. Simple to say I didn’t like her, no matter how much make up she wore she could hide the ugly inside of her, worse yet she used to bring her boyfriend Jose with her. My internal alarm bells would go of every time he came around, there was something about him that didn't sit well with me. It could of been the way his eyes would follow my every move or the way he would look at Sarah with a predatory glint in his eye. One evening Sarah and I decided we wanted a movie night with the full works of popcorn and ice cream, there was never any ice cream at home because the nannies would always indulge themselves leaving nothing for us, so that meant I would have to go out to the grocery store. I was leaving the grocery store and walking back home when I saw that i***t Jose and his friend walking toward me. My internal alarm went of and my body went stiff when my fight or flight mode kicked in. The closer he got the more I realized something wasn't right, he wasn't moving away he was heading right for me. Jose tried to grab my hand a couple of times but I kept pulling away, he never let up, I told him to get lost and continue walking, but he and his friend followed, I was about to start running when I felt a hand grabbed my shoulder pulling me back against a stiff body. Jose pressed his fingers into my shoulder causing me to wince in pain dropping my bags. His hold was so strong that when he pulled me into an ally and tried to r**e me I couldn't fight back, I was weak and helpless, being held down by Jose and his friend I couldn't do one f**k to help myself, but then faith intervened. At that particular moment in my life, my lowest of low my history teacher, Mr. Adam Edwards was walking out the grocery and fought of Jose and his friend. At that moment Adam became not only my savior but also my brother. That weekend both Sarah and I stayed at Adams house with his family. Adam was tall and fit, he had steel gray eyes that would sometime be someone's comfort or there fright. He had tattoo's coving his chest and arms. At first I was scared, but he was gentle and took all of his time and patience to get me to relax. The next week at school Adam told me it's time to start learning to defend myself, if not for me but for Sarah. He informed me about the hand full of people he taught self defense and tactical training to, he also said he will teach me for free if I was up for it. It didn't take long for me to make that decision especially when he said he can guarantee I wont be weak and helpless if another situation like that arise again. From that moment on, things change I started taking life seriously, following some of Adam rules because lets face it rules are hard to follow, I even started paying more attention in school, I started taking my responsibilities more serious as well, as any new nanny came, I kept them away from Sarah and I, all they needed to do was the chores and that’s it. Shaking my head from my memory, I put on my plain white T-shirt, dark blue jeans and shoes. I hate make up so I don’t waste money on it, if I however, got injured during training, I will use what Adam wife has, she is like my mom/sister/best friend. She is one of the only person I trust besides Adam, I don't even trust my best friend the way I trust her. From the moment I saw her all I could think was 'wow she is so beautiful', her blond hair was always straight, her green eyes held so much comfort you could get lost in it. Both Adam and her would stare lovingly into each others eyes and there you could see real love, it was there I realized what my parents had was fake. Once I finished combing my hair and tying it in a pony tail, I head for the kitchen. Our new nanny this month is different she actually helps, and I like her. As I was entering the kitchen I was greeted with the amazing aroma of bacon, yes I love bacon and seriously who doesn't, looks like I don’t have to make breakfast this morning. Walking in I was greeted with a warm smile from Gloria, she’s different, she is older around fifty-three although she keeps saying she is forty-five, her personality is what got me roped in on the first day of meeting her. Despite the fact she was short in height she gave out a 'don't mess with me' vibe that I respected instantly. I knew she was different from the other nannies, she had short brown hair and thick size, she had the most amazing blue eyes, she said she got it from Poseidon, yes you guess right she loves Greek mythology but most importantly she treated us like she was our mom. She gave us the affection that we longed for, I took a seat by the island and Gloria placed a plate In front of me. Now normally I would make breakfast and Gloria would clean but from the looks of it, she finished clean early, now I'm wondering what's going on. One of Adam main lesson was to keep an eye on your surroundings if something changes, make a mental note, it could lead to something else. “Morning Gabi, why are you up so early?”, Gloria questioned as she took a seat next to me. “Couldn't sleep last night, we had gun training yesterday, and I was still pumped when I got home and well, I cleaned the whole of upstairs and did laundry”, I said shrugging my shoulders and eating my breakfast. Yes, I do gun training but only once per week, that’s all I'm allowed to being that I go with Adam who isn't my parent, although the guy owing it knows us well, he doesn’t bend the rules to much for us to get in trouble with the law. “Young ladies shouldn’t be learning to use guns, you should be learning to cook or actually try having some friends your own age, Orr how about a boyfriend my grandson shou--------” “Wowwww”, I said stopping her, she gets carried away very easily especially when it comes to her grandson who she keeps trying to set me up on “calm down there Gloria, thanks but no thanks, single is my way and most importantly I have no time to socialize and I do have a friend, Britney remember”, “I don’t like her", she says as she rolled her eyes, then look at me with a grim expression on her face, "she thinks she is prettier than Athena, such a disrespectful young lady”, And with that she left to clean up the kitchen, after finishing breakfast I walked back upstairs to wake up Cinderella for school, she hates school like every other eight year old. Today is Friday which means school, work, training and them home to help with homework and dinner, I opened her bed room door to see she was already dressed and combing her long black hair. Ever since I read her the Rapunzel story she became keen on see how long her hair could grow. She was dressed in a pink top and pants, her favorite color of course, her brown eyes were full of life, her light color skin was highlighting the pink perfectly making her look like a real princess. Now I know Something is up, Sarah is normally a hand full to wake up every morning especially a Friday, she hates gym and always try to guilt trip me into letting her stay home. Stepping inside her, I cleared my throat and spoke in the most fake English accent I could muster, “Your majesty, why did you wake so early”, I questioned, causing her to giggle at my foolish hand gesture and bow before answering me. “Mom called, she's taking me to London with her this evening so I wanted to get ready and spend the day with you before leaving”, she said rather excitingly, while I was stunned into silence, wait! what? What the f**k? I close my eyes trying to calm the rage that started course through my veins, but that didn't help, I'm angry really f*****g angry, she can't do that, who is going to take care of her, without replying to her I stormed downstairs for my phone to call our mother dearest. When I entered the kitchen, I grabbed my phone and started calling our mother. “Gabi, I was just about to call you”, she said as she answered the phone. “What is this I'm hearing about you taking Sarah to London this evening”, I asked, not being bothering about pleasantries. “Look, I don’t know how to explain this but, your dad and I got a divorce and I got custody of Sarah and your dad got custody of you”, “WHAT”, I shouted causing Gloria to come running back into the kitchen, “Have both of you lost your f*****g mind, Sarah isn't leaving my side”, “I'm her mother Gabriella and beside I already told Gloria she is moving with us, seeing that she last longer than all the nanny's that came there”, she said brushing it off like it’s a normal everyday occurrence, separating siblings. She’s her mother, really, when was the last time she did anything motherly. I bit the inside of my cheek to hold my tongue from saying what I really, really wanted to. “Mother you are truly unbelievable”, I said hanging up the phone. I turned to Gloria who was looking at me, she lowered her head and I knew, she scared of how I'm going to react. Adam always tells me I have a darkness inside of me and sometime I chose not to believe him but as I walked up to Gloria I can sense the fear coming out of her. Stopping in front of her and speaking in the coldest tone possible, I give her a warning. Should I be mad at Gloria, NO but then again, she should have told me this morning. A heads up would of been nice, I hate not knowing s**t especially when it come to Sarah. "Anything and I mean anything happens to Sarah while she is away from me, it's your ass to pay, do you understand that? Now you keep an eye on her at all times and Gloria, I don't care if they send you to do something always keep Sarah at your side and don’t take this likely, I like you a lot but I love my sister more and I will draw blood for her, understand”, With a simple nod she walked off to continue what ever the hell she was doing. As much as I really want to fight my mother on this I can't. I know I can’t fight my mother, I not old enough in the eyes of the law, but seriously they split and where the f**k is dad, taking a deep breathe to calm my self down, I turn to head up to Sarah's room, now time to spend the day with my sister before she leaves. First, I need a car, the only person that can help me with that is Adam. He maybe my history teacher but he is also working for some Mafia in Italy, he thinks he hides it, but he doesn’t and I’m always sneaking in his office going through his work. There's something about that life that got my blood flowing the minute I found out about it. I normally take a file he's finished with and bring it home, I had dad built me a study room in the basement to use as a office, to keep all the stolen files from Adam, once I go through it, I put my finding in a flash drive and leave it on his desk. The people he has looking through those files are blind, they always miss the important stuff that should of been there first set of findings. I don't think he knows its me that's doing it, but if he does he hides it very well, I think they are currently looking for someone who moved into our town to hide. The guys good like really good its been years and they haven't found him, that’s why he is here using a teacher as his cover. I don’t mind, I like the idea that he is teaching me the ways of being in the mafia, it keeps my boring life entertaining. Its something I look forward to. Pulling out my phone I dial Adam's number, the phone rang two times before he picks up. "Gabi, what can I do for you now”, he answered, no hello, nothing which means he's not in a good mood. “Hey, I need a car for a couple of hours”, “Where are you going?”, he ask, and knowing he can't see me I roll my eyes at his over protective tone of voice. Like seriously I can handle myself. “I’m taking Sarah to the mall, apparently my parents got divorced while they were away and now mom is taking Sarah with her to London tonight”, “Damn, so who are you staying with”, He asked, “Dad he got custody on me”, I answered, Adam always disapproved of my parents way of life. “Gabi are you ok though, I know you practically raise Sarah”, “Yea I'm ok, Gloria is going with them, so I'm not as worried but I am worried about her safety”, “Hmmmm, I can understand that”, he said going silent for a bit. “So, can I get a car borrow”, “Yea, I will send the driver as well, ammm Gabi do you have the necklace I gave you for your birthday?” “Yea, why?” I answered smiling because I know were he's going with this. “Give it to Sarah, tell her keep it on her at all times, I may or may not have put a small tracking device in there”, “Ha!!!!!! I knew it, that’s why I could never lie when I'm running late”, “You're not mad”, he asked, “Na Adam don’t stress but thanks' though, anyway talk later I'm going to get Cinderella and then send some emails to school saying we won't be coming”, “Don't worry about school I will handle that, just enjoy this day with your sister and remember always look at your surroundings, look at people behavior around you and always look behind you every five minutes to see if your being followed and please, please walk with your gun”, “Yes dad”, I said hanging up the phone, I don’t like to walk with my gun especially when Sarah is around, but when I was sneaking into the office last night, I heard that someone was watching Adam place and if they think I'm someone to him, which if they have any common sense they will with the amount of time I spend there, they could kidnap me to get a response from Adam. I walked into my room first and strapped the gun to my ankle and took out the money I have been saving from working, then I went to Sarah room to help her pack her suitcase. Once packing finished the car was outside and we headed to the mall. Inside the mall there where a lot of people and I don’t like crowds, it's really hard to focus and you can't tell if someone is following you, but Sarah was excited, the look of happiness on her face dissolved all my negative thoughts and did what we came here to do. Shopping. I took her to get some new clothes and then some toys and stationery, lastly, we went to the food court although I hate when she eats fry food, I didn’t stop her today, I had a steam veggies and grill chicken, I learned a couple years ago that fried food wasn't for me. While we were at the food court, I kept seeing this guy hovering. I haven't seen him before and all I could think about was keeping Sarah safe. Once she finished eating, I told her for us to go because mom will be here shortly. When we got outside, I put Sarah into the car and told the driver I will be back in a minute, I lied and told him I left my phone in the food court. The look on his face told me he didn't believe a word I said but he just nod. As I entered the Mall, I spot the guy again, as I walked to the rest room I took little glimpse of him to know he's not an average guy so taking him down will have to be a surprise attack. I opened the bathroom door and leaned again the wall next to the door and waited, in less than a minute he was there pushing open the door. On instinct I landed a punch to his jaw causing him to fall to the ground. "Why the f**k are you following me”, I hissed. “Wow, you have quite a punch there babe, I don’t mean any harm, but your step father sent me to look over you and you sister until he arrives this evening”, He said, as he got up from the ground holding the side of his face were my fist landed. “Step father, wait mom got married”, “Yes, yesterday”, Well f**k she didn't wait at all and which mother gets hitched with out her kids being there. I was to shock at the fact that she got married and didn’t say anything, but who is he to be sending people to look after us, as the guy steady himself ,I extended my hand to him as a friendly gesture, I need information first then I might kick his ass. "Right sorry about that, I thought you were trying to kidnap us or something”, “Don't be sorry babe, that’s some good training you got there, your mom never mentioned you were trained”, “That's because no one knows, and I would like to keep it that way seeing that my new step father has to be someone important to be sending people to look after us”, “I would like to give some information, but I can't, you will get your answers in a couple hours”, he said shrugging his shoulders, “Ok thank you and please stop following us”, “Sorry I can't do that I have orders” “Well, I can knock you out and leave you here, go home with my sister and not worry about your orders” “I don’t think your that strong but I understand, my name is Lucas by the way” “Gabi” After shaking hands, we both left and headed different direction, as I was walking out the glass doors, I looked at the reflection and I could see him on his phone, I’m pretty sure he's calling my new stepfather. When I entered the car, the driver asked if I was ok, with a simple nod he drove us back home. The drive home was tense and it got worse as we drove up to the house. There parked on the side of the road were three black SUV’s and two men outside dressed in black suits. Our driver pulled out his phone and send a quick text to someone, and in less than ten seconds my phone rang, on the screen I saw Adam name. I already knew what he was going to say so I answered quickly. “Adam, I know, you don’t have to tell me, will tell you everything later and yes I'm packing”, With that I hung up the phone and stepped out the car, I grabbed the bags and walked with Sarah. As we walked closer to the house, Sarah hid behind my back clearly scared of the guys but they didn’t intimidate me at all, rolling my eyes at the men I grabbed Sarah hand tightly reassuring her that she is safe, as I was about to open the door my mom opened it and hugged us both. Clearly she's trying really hard to impress her new husband, but when I looked behind her, I was stunned, I couldn't believe this man was in my house, a man I knew from Adam files my new stepfather Mr. Marcus Romero leader of the Gil spacciatori della morte, (The death dealers' gang) second biggest gang in London. fuck!!!! THIS IS SO f*****g BAD.
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