Chapter 21

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10 years later  Nicolai POV     The vibe from the club was amazing, another success in the making but with all the money and success I’m not happy, especially today. Today Gabi and my child would of been ten years old, I lost everything the day she died and became what I needed to be in order to get my revenge. Some may say I’m cold, heartless and ruthless, yes maybe I am, but to me all I am is dead. Dead inside, the Space where my heart once was now it’s just an organ that beats for the sole purpose of keeping me alive. I don’t love anymore well except for my little princess, she alone gets to see the soft side of me, the old Nicolai. The only good thing that came from my so call wife was this beautiful baby girl, although she isn't my biological daughter I treat her like the princess she is, mainly because I killed her mother the minute I found out she was related to the fucker who was using Faith as a s*x worker.      Andrew and I are currently standing in my office looking out to the pack club under us, we don't need to talk to communicate. Our friendship have grown over the years and I strongly believe its because of the last order Gabi gave him, he stayed by my side through my good and bad times, if loyal was a person Andrew was that person. Despite how they meet Andrew always said he knew the minute he came face to face with Gabi his life changed.     The way our office was built it enable us to see everything that takes place from here. We could see the sales of the drugs that we had circling the club, as well as our ladies enticing our male customers to follow them in the back. The women who worked for us are here by their own choice, we never forced a  women into doing things they don't want to, it was something we promised each other after when we decided this was our path in life.      After Gabi died Andrew and I searched her room and office for clues as to who killed her, but, what we found was way better and it led to us swiftly taking over a lot of territories and build our empire faster. Gabi had a detailed plan set out for the next ten years, everything from a massive take over, to plans on how to end the human trafficking something I didn't know she was so passionate about. She had all the evidence she need to end a lot of the old money mafia heads and the right contact in the FBI to send the evidence to. The only file without a plan was Jose's.     Andrew and I however did have a plan but after the news of Gabi's death circulated he went into hiding, literally disappeared from the face of the earth, but his men however was still here and after ten years we finally found his second. It took a lot of work and finally Andrew was able to set the right trap, even though that trap made us open our latest club in Italy, to say I didn't want to be here was an understatement but I had a revenge plan to execute. Andrew held out a glass of amber liquid for me as he looked down to the man we have been looking for, taking a sip of the sweet Smokey liquid I could feel his eyes on me,     "Do you think this will work?" he questioned. I know he's worried and I don't blame him. One wrong move and this i***t could go into hiding again. Taking another sip, I turned to him, looking him straight in to his eyes,     "It has to, we didn't move all the way here for nothing",      With a nod of understanding we both return our attention to the man below us. Our plan was simple get one of our girls who look really young to drug his drink and take him to one of our private rooms, once there our guys will take over and restrain him, then it will be our time. Andrew and I have been waiting too long for this and we will savor every scream, every drop of blood and every plead for mercy. Just the thought of doing this sent a rush of excitement through me making a small smile appear on my face. There is something calming about torturing a sadist. They don't break easy which makes the session last longer.       Right on cue our girl Candy walked up to him and like the slimy f**k he is, he placed his hand on her hip pulling her close to him. Just as he pulled her to say something in her ear, she slipped the pill in his drink, she looked up at the glass and nod knowing we were watching.      "It's done",      "Now what?" Andrew asked pulling his phone out of his pocket to check the time.     "Now we wait",      It took just over an hour for the drug to fully work in his system, during the time Andrew and I talked about my mom's upcoming wedding and the fact that we were both requested to be their as well as her only grand child. No matter who the father is, my mom help me raised my princess as her own.     We both watch as Candy slid of the stool, placing her hand on the mans thigh and whispering something to him. He gave her a nod and stood to go with her but just as she turn to start walking away the women next to her spill her drink all over her.      "f**k", Andrew hissed,      Candy tried getting the mans attention again but he was more taken by the woman who spilled the drink on Candy, letting out a huff Candy excused her self and headed for the restroom. Andrew quickly pulled out his phone barking orders at our manager to get another girl out there but we were to late. We both looked at the man as he stood to leave with the woman.      My body turned rigid as I curl my hand into a fist to try and contain my anger. After so f*****g long our plan failed. f**k I turned and head for the door but as I grabbed the handle Andrew panicked voice stopped me.     "Nick come see this", the tone and urgency of his voice had me rushing back to his side.     He had the security camera from above the bar on his phone showing us a live feed,      "Does she seem familiar to you?" he asked as he zoomed in to get a better look at the woman, her hair color is some sort of lilac with gray infused, her face was full of make up matching her black lace up corset, black skinny jeans and what look like black biker boots, but it was her eyes that had us.     "She does seem familiar, but I can't place her", I replied looking between the feed and through the glass to make sure I'm not missing anything.     As if the woman could feel us staring at her she looked up straight into the camera, both Andrew and I gasp, those eyes they are so familiar but the face is different. She tilted her head as if she could see us then lifted her gaze to the glass, both Andrew and I looked through the glass and sure enough her gaze was focus on the room above her.      After a few minutes she smirked and refocus her attention on the man in front of her, she didn't delay thou, as soon as he agreed to leave with her they both started for the exit. Andrew and I was about to turn when we saw her lift her hand in the air in a circle motion like some sort of a signal, sure enough about ten men dressed in full black came out from the dark corners of the club and followed the woman out.      "What the f**k was that?" I snapped and turned to Andrew. He however, was not paying attention to me, his focus was still at the door. He always does this, the minute something or someone reminds him of Gabi he starts to over think and I'm pretty sure that what happening.      "Drew, snap the f**k out of it", I hissed at him grabbing him by his shoulder and pushing him toward the door, "get the bartender to bag her glass for DNA and send me the footage from outside, I want to see what vehicle they came with, also send Candy upstairs she need to work out her f*****g mistake",      He didn't respond just nod and left. What the f**k just happened? Do we have a new rival? Someone with a death wish it seems, letting out a low deep grunt I swiped everything of the table to expel some of my anger. It didn't work, taking a couple deep breaths I placed both hands on the table and hung my head, I only do that when I'm alone, I refused to allow anyone see me in a moment of weakness. I need to figure out another plan, or maybe use the same plan but a different girl, f**k this is going to take another few months to get this s**t all together again.      I was so lost in thought trying to figure out our next plan, I didn't realize how much time had passed until Andrew and Candy came back upstairs. Andrew opened the door ushering in Candy who look frighten as f**k and trust me she should be. Standing straight I moved around my desk and took my seat on my huge leather chair then took a good look at Candy before titling my head to the side,      "You look scared Candy, why is that?" I asked in a gentle tone,     "I-I-I'm sorry sir, I t-t-tr--", She tried to reply but I raised my hand cutting her off. Candy had bowed her head like the a good little submissive, looking behind her I gave Andrew a nod, then the sound of the lock clicking in place filled the room. Candy breathing speed up and she crossed her legs slightly. With a smirk in place on his face Andrew moved over to the massive sofa in the room and took a seat.      Both Andrew and I over the years have developed a massive kink to share a woman, that doesn't mean we date, f**k NO, we don't ever date. Period. If ever one of us starts feeling lonely we normal take princess out and spend the day with her and all our loneliness evaporate.      Andrew and I also have our own language so with a nod from him, I knew now would be my time to dominate. Taking a deep breath I looked to Candy again, as mush as this might be punishment its punishment through pleasure as I said before we don't hurt women.      "Candy", I called causing her to jerk her head up, Andrew chuckle as he watched how scared Candy looked. "Come here",     Candy dropped her gaze to the floor again and started making her way toward me with slow unease steps. I love the idea of people fearing us, its how we got so far so fast, they know not to f**k with us. She stopped a couple step away like a good girl while waiting for more instruction.      "Strip",  And she did, although she wasn't wearing much in the first place, her matching bright pink bra and lace panties set was off in seconds with her eyes still cast down wards.     "On your knees",  Slowly she sank to her knees, legs spread open with her ass on her heels, I moved closer to look down at her then circle around her. Candy is sexy as f**k with her long legs, tone stomach, dark brown hair and light brown eye but still she couldn't give me the pleasure I want, that doesn't mean I can't play a little. Its been a while since Andrew and I had time for a little session.      "Candy, I want you to crawl over to Drew, get between his legs and take his c**k out",      Slowly Candy crawl  her way over to Andrew and did exactly as I said, Andrew just sat there looking down at her, his face blank showing no emotion, with both his arms spread across the back of the sofa and both legs spread far apart giving Candy enough space to fit.      Candy stroke Andrew a couple times then looked at me for further instructions, with a nod of my head she slid his hard c**k all the way down her throat until she was a gaging mess. Andrew wrapped his hand in her hair holding her head steady and f****d her mouth like a man on a mission, with a loud grunt he came making her swallow every single drop then stood, tucked his c**k back and exited the office. I knew that was going to happen he always feel guilty after and I don't know f*****g why, Candy made her way toward me but I held my hand up stopping her.     "Your dismissed, go home and take the weekend off that's your punishment for this evening", I said as I rounded my deck back to my seat, Candy stood there stunned then turn her angry glare at me,     "You cant leave me like this", she snapped gesturing to her naked and clearly aroused state. Leaning back I looked at her, she shifted on her feet and I knew at that she understood she crossed a line.         "Candy this is your punishment so I can and will leave you like this and before you raise your voice at me, think again",      With a nod she took up her discarded panties and bra and left.      The rest of the day was spent going through employee records and expenses for the other clubs, in total we had ten now, every year we rotate staff moving from club to club, simply because we didn't want to leave room for moles or for the police to send someone inside. It was a hassle but after the first few years it became a routine.      It was well after midnight when Drew came rushing into the office with his phone glued to his ear, his panic expression was enough for me to jump out of my chair and grabbed my car keys, Andrew only panic when our princess is hurt and now that she's enrolled into the boarding school for mafia families this couldn't be good.      The drive to school was normally one hour but with they way Andrew was panicking I planned on making in shorter than that. After he hung up he let out a long breath and informed me that our princess was being targeted by the Russians and they snuck into her room after lights out.      My blood boiled listening to the incident and thirty minutes later we pulled up right outside the gate and made our way to the headmaster office. The headmaster office was modern with black and white furniture, a large black desk in the middle and the walls was decorated with certificates of achievements from both staff and students. Inside the office the headmaster an age able man was sitting behind his desk while in front of him sat my little princess surrounded by three girls.      Before Drew and I could step in fully two young boys rushed passed us stood over our princess,     "Ohhh s**t, he is going to f**k s**t up", the older boy said shaking his head, both Drew and I looked at each other then stepped fully into the room and made our way to our daughter. There sitting in her pink pajamas with tears running down her face is our little princess Riley surrounded by what I'm assuming is her friends.      The minute she spot us she jumped out of her chair and rushed to us crashing us into a hug. We could handle anything but seeing our daughter crying is something we couldn't. Once she pulled away Drew wipes her tears and whispered loving and ensure words to her before we both focus our attention to the headmaster.      One of Riley friends gentling took her back to sit on the chair in front of the headmaster while Drew and I stood and folded our arms waiting for the headmaster to begin, as he gathered his papers and prepared himself the door slammed opened and everyone except Drew and I went still.     A young boy rushed in looking at all of us before his eyes landed on one of Riley friends,     "Where is she", he shouted, Drew stiffened while I took a step forward but something about the kid had me stopping mid step, the kid probably not more than ten or twelve looked like a young version of myself.      "I'm right here", came Riley weak voice.      The boy head snapped to where Riley was sitting and rushed over to her kneeing before her taking in her features as if he's memorizing every tear that slid from her eyes, gently he place his hand over her face and wiped the tears that was running down. Once he was satisfied with what he was looking for he stood and turned to the older twins,      "Explain",  Both girls looked at easy with worried expressions then to Riley as if asking for help but then the boy cleared his throat and the twins snapped there attention to him, letting out a breath one of the twin answered,      "Nick, look, we only took our eyes for her for twenty minutes max, literally all we did was go for a late night snack and on our way back we spotted the Russian kids running pass us",      Hmmm interesting, so this Nick boy is the leader, but why would Riley need protection a quick glance to Andrew to see if he knows but he just shrugged his shoulders, Nick looked down to Riley who nod her head then turned his attention back to the twins,      "What did they do?"     "T-t-they took my clothes and t-t-tried to cut my hair", Riley replied showing Nick the little patch that was missing, Andrew curse under his breath then made his way over to Riley. Riley was raised like a princess and because of that she had really long blond hair, it was one of her features that Andrew tried really hard to help maintain.      Nick facial expression change to one of extreme anger then looked over to the headmaster, he then pulled out his phone to make a call, all the while I stood there carefully observing the kid.      "Mom, cancel the meeting with the Russians, there kids cross the line in school, tell dads I need there help in getting rid of them and also I'm taking the last room on our level for Riley",      I stood there and watched this young boy carefully laid instructions and with a hum in agreement he cut the phone of. Who is this kid and how does his family have so much say in the school. Once he pocketed the phone he turned his attention to Andrew who made his way back to stand behind me and I. I was expecting the kid to be at least scared but No he look at me directly in my eye and extended his hand.      "Mr. Black, I'm Nick Giordano I apologize on behave of the school and would like to compensate for the losses",      His hand was still extended but I was frozen, did he just say Giordano as in Adam's father name, as in the head mafia family in Italy. While I have been building my empire I tried to get as much information on the Giordano but all we got was updates on how they were growing as an organization and is now one of the most powerful families out there. Andrew nudge my shoulder snapping me out of my thoughts to focus on the boy in front of me with his hand still extended. After clasping his hand in a firm shake he turn back to the twins,      "Take Riley to her room to pack whatever she needs, the rest we will buy tomorrow, or and gather everyone mom's on her way",      Everyone in the room groan including the headmaster which confused the f**k out of Andrew and I,     "Can someone explain",      Nick turned to me as Riley hugged both Andrew and I before leaving with the twins, behind him stood a girl probably the same age, there features were the same dark hair, dark eyes, Nick was tall while the girl was a bit shorter maybe Riley height so that had to be his sister, she place an hand on his elbow and squeezed in support. Clearing his throat he look to the headmaster then back to me,     "My mom had this school built so we could all have a normal school experience while learning the ways of the mafia world, so she has the final say in everything which means if my sister or I called her it must be important",      His mom build this school with meant a older Giordano, but apart from Adam and Gabi I really don't know, unless they adopted again. Taking our silence as a sign the discussion was over they both made there way to the door, but Drew voice stopped them,      "Who is your mom? we studied your family and we know that Antonio and Cecilia didn't have anymore kids",      The girl shook her head indicating not to say a word but Nick just looked over his shoulder directly in my eyes with a smirk on his lips and answered,     "Sofia Giordano",      Andrew went stiff on the side on me as the kids left the office, turning my attention to him I gave him a puzzled look. Then out of no way he started to laugh and started to move his hand like he was putting pieces of a puzzle together. Once he finish laughing, tears starting pouring out of his eyes as he looked at me,      "Sofia Giordano is the alias Gabi used when we first meet, which means---",      "She's alive", I stopped him finishing of his sentences. We both stood there frozen is disbelief. 

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