Chapter 16- The Cathedral

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The pope immediately sent an official letter to the Vatican for his decision to make Venezia vow to be a nun stating that she thinks she is ready now. Venezia was locked up in her chambers by the Pope's order and later got in knowledge of his father's decisions. It felt like she has lost another battle and she stopped resisting. They bathed her , groomed her , put her into a formal white robe for the ceremony. The ceremony happened so quickly that the pope didn't bother to invite the nobility of all Italy. Only few officials and church priests along with sisters and nuns were present. The choir was brought and formed immediately and the decorations were menial. The church was full because of some civilians and many weren't allowed to enter. Believe me , the pope never wanted this day to be like this and it felt like he himself compelled him to do this. At first the pope walked through the aisle with a young prist holding the cross in front and other priests holding candles and following him from behind. The pope settled himself in the middle of the alter in front of the holy Bible kept on the podium along with other priests settling at left and right crossing each side. Venezia walked upto the aisle holding her huge white gown , staring at his father with no emotions set on her face and her father stared back with light anger which was only visible to her it seemed. A higher priest authority from the state of Florence stepped up. She knelt once in front of the alter , then stepped aside. Both marking the cross in front of them and the prayer started. After some time , she knelt at one step in front of the alter and bowed down with the help of a font. Thankfully Venezia has never broken her temporary vows. She started the Bible reading along her father who was covered around young priests and the priest of Florence ordered her the vows : 1. You must vow to poverty ... "I vow myself for poverty" 2. You must vow to chastity ... "I vow myself for chastity" 3. You must vow to obedience ... She paused for a moment and then continued. "I vow myself for obedience" The prayer continued and her veil of nun were put on. Fortunately , according to the pope her daughter remained quite the whole ceremony and he believed that she has given up. He felt happy and trusted her completely when the ceremony was over. For him , after the ceremony was completed was like that now Venezia is being finally caged and won't be able to do something that she desires. All of the plans of the pope was going perfectly and he was head over heals , so the same evening he decided to plan a ball to celebrate his victory but also because the ceremony was not so grand as he wished it would be. Instead the ball was same but the only difference was that he decided to invite the royal family of Naples. He wanted to show the prince and the king off as of what he has done and slyly boast about his dictatorship power among the states. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• It was the night of the evening ball. Venezia felt so empty after the ceremony that she had no energy in her left for the event ahead. The event screamed her about lost battle in her ears. She felt hopeless , irritated and tired all at the same time but was bathed and to dressed up formally for the ball by Hannah's and her other lady's maid help. The ball was situated at the same cathedral where she vowed. The cathedral where usually the pope resided and she knew every details of the building since her childhood. This evening it was magnificently decorated with heavy embroidered curtains and table cloths. A banquet was set in long stretched tables and everything looked white and gold. Such glorious decorations was made out of the church's richness to satisfy the Pope's greed. There were chambers built upstairs and secret rooms built underground. Everything was planned and structured. By the evening , all the nobles , officials and some higher rank citizens were invited and started reaching. The pope stood at a higher stage and was greeted by all. The king and the prince arrived later after Venezia made her grand entrance. She looked splendid in her huge white gown , like a fresh bride. The put a mask of happiness on her face through the event and when Mark entered , he could simply tell it. But mark still admired her from a distance by looking at her plum cheeks , glittery eyes and her hair all pushback decorated with a brilliant white head piece. "Hannah sure has did a excellent job" he thought to himself. The king walked up and congratulated by showcasing many lavish gifts from thier side. " Look at the glow on her face after the ceremony. She looks so pure. My dear , god bless" the king gave his blessings. "Why not , afterall she has now fully devoted herself to the Christ. She the bride of the lord now." The pope replied immediately , eyeing to the prince. Venezia looked at mark in displeasure and then lowered her gaze. "Offcourse , offcourse." The king agreed vigoursly. "How are you feeling dear?" "Oh , she's happy." The pope interrupted. The royalty didn't expect such answer but the king replied after a pause. "Right!" With a hint of smile. The awkwardness crept in and soon they went away to enjoy the rest of the banquet . Others kept coming one after another to congratulate Venezia and the pope. Venezia was standing near his father only. She knew that mark was constantly looking out for her and when she immediately looked at him and gestured in terms of crying out for help. He got the signal from the great distance and raised his glass at him gesturing back that he's on. "Don't trust everything you see , even the salt looks like sugar" she immediately whispered to her father and smiled around playing innocent. "May I have this dance m'lady?" Mark smirked and offered his hand after walking upto the stage. "Oh no , she's-" the pope immediately said in haste but get's interrupted by his own daughter. "You may!" Venezia accepted the prince's offered by gracefully giving out her hand and looked at his father , slightly tilting her head at him and giving out a sneering smile. They both settled themselves in between at the dance platform , gaining the attention of everyone around. The pope was exasperated but hid it naturally by putting on a calming smile. "I'm so sorry for you , I'm sorry that I couldn't be there" the prince whispered when did slow danced together. "Don't be , I knew your situation." Venezia replied immediately looking around at everyone. "What has to be done , will be done" He lowered her when she said that. One hand wrapped around her waist and other holding up. They both looked at each other and communicated through eyes. A feeling of never been able to do what they never hoped for creeped inside them. Both were hopeless and did not know what could be the solution. They looked at each other for a moment in utter sadness and the prince pulled her up. "She's such a brat. She is just doing this to tease me , how innocent. Anyways!" The pope thought to himself while looking at both of them , dancing. Endnote : don't forget to vote and comment ! •́ ‿ ,•̀
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