Chapter 2 : The marketplace

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The hustle and bustle of the marketplace didn't trouble Venezia's concentration while choosing the type of bread she wants for today . While standing on the counter , her eyes travelled from shelves to shelves , judging each and every bread's charecter , Hannah sat at the back on a comfortable sofa , sipping tea carelessly in front of the fire cave providing little to no heat , but the tea compensates . While Venezia's eyes took thier time , her mind has no thought to process so her ears started to hear sweet whisperings out loud . The cafe bakery was filled with ladies and boys talking and discussing the town's new gossip , some of the young women spoke Ill of the prince casually , like it was an everyday chore they did without giving it much of a thought . "Did you hear that the prince is present here in the market " the first lady said in excitement . "Really?" The second girl replied in disapproval . "Ugh, earth of Anna , where were you ? We just came from outside remember ? Didn't you see all the tension ?" She replied irritatingly while Venezia's ears traveled towards the other side of cafe hearing another lady talking out loud like she's playing a lead role in a stage musical , " ah , I just can't get enough of his charming look." "Oh shut up Leslie, you're just so overboard with the prince's charms that you avoid looking at his well-visible horrible personality", another lady in the group mocked , in order to silence the musical lady . All the chattering and whispering in the crowded bakery irritated Venezia and made her speed up the decision. While the bread gets freshly baked and packed , Venezia wonders what's so special about the prince, because till now he was still a mystery to her. The sweet smell of freshly baked bread catches her attention as it gets wrapped and kept in her basket , Venezia thanked and pays of the Shopkeeper and turns around to gracefully to sit opposite to Hannah and sip her tea. Till now, the town's people were unaware of who Venezia was and she even avoided catching attention by wearing such simple gowns like a daughter of a peasant would do. She was happy in her attire , that's what she thought while sipping the tea and looking out of the window. There incidently she noticed and couple of noble boys , staring and teasing young ladies in the market. The same rage that got into her an year before she returned , when she started imaging doing cruel things to them and teach them a lesson. But of course , in reality it didn't happen , that realisation hit Venezia when she could faintly hear Hannah voice in the background . ’M'lady , we really need to go . It's not safe for you to be here this is long time " Hannah spoke in high tone with concern . Keeping her safe , that's what troubled Venezia the most , but this time again she easily ignored it and rose up from her couch. Hannah followed her while speaking a sweet low voice " this bread looks crispier m'lady " . "That's why I choose my own bread or bake it myself " Venezia replied looking at straight in pride . As they stepped out of the bakery , a fresh cold breeze made her hair fly in the sky , but didn't put a shiver on her spine . Instead , she closed her eyes and took a long pleasent breath , requesting the time to stop and enjoying her whole life in that moment. Suddenly , everything to her felt like she's in a dream , her mood rose up and she decided to visit the market implusivly. She ignored all red flag Hannah was trying to show her and got dissolved in the small crowded market . Hannah gave up for a moment , assuming that it might be for a short period of time and they will return to the carriage soon . With that thought , Venezia finally stopped in a flower shop , when a white Lilly caught her attention . The Lilly added more sweetness to her already cheerful mood and she bought a whole bouquet of it . When admiring her lilies she finally decides to head back , she thanked the florist and took a whole 360° turn colliding to a heavy fat old man , his eyes all droopy and he walked like a ball. Because of which one Lilly from Venezia's bouquet fell on the ground and fell on him. For obvious reasons , not recognizing to whom he has collided to , he replies in his horse voice in a loud harsh tone "watch where you go girl" , ignoring who he was speaking to , the old man kept on walking like a ball until his voice get's caught in Prince attention and he walks straight upto him . The old man , got horrified having the prince standing right in front of and immediately apologizes . Venezia kept looking at her fallen lilly in deep sorrow , as if something from the past reminded her while watching the stepped on flower . The prince then noticed the lovely lady in pink looking down at the flower and picked it up to shoot his shot as he always does , But this time gets stunned by looking at who the lady was and to whom he was going to flirt with . "You !!!?" Shouted both of them in synchronised manner , both feeling the same emotion . After one whole minute of staring at each other , one is anger and other in disgust . The prince decided to do an act of revenge . "Poor baby , it got stepped on" he said sarcastically and dropped the Lilly on the ground again . While staring at Venezia in anger , he crushed the flower and said in a deep serious tone "now it's completely destroyed " while Venezia watched his whole act , and stared at her fallen lilly getting crushed. She felt an unbearable pain. She dared to throw her hand at the prince in order to hit him but gets stopped by another manly arm , holding her wrist tightly . She struggles and looked at the man who held her arm , recognizing the same person who was teasing young women when she looked out from the window in the bakery. A feeling of anger , sadness and helplessness totally dissolved her inner power when she heard the prince ordering Bruce,to leave her. She looked at both of them , building the relationship and other two boys In his back . The mix of emotions in her overwhelmed her and she threw the whole bouquet at the prince , suddenly hitting his chest and walked out of the situation immediately . Gladly , she was able to hide her little tears , rolling down her cheeks when she climbed up on her carriage . The prince couldn't understand of what just happened but the wave of guilt washed him away completely. He looked at her , for the last time . Hannah climbed after her , after which the carriage took off . The prince , Still trying to process his own clogged up thoughts , his gaze meets Venezia's teary eyes when she looked at the prince for the last time through a little window mostly covered in small floral curtains .
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