Chapter 6 - Mark's Chamber

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Disclaimer : ⚠️The below scene will contain content like s****l a***e . If you do not want to read , you can kindly skip . Kindly take care of your mental health first •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• He pushed her directly to the table in his room and slightly pushed the door behind him . The monastery was empty and not a single soul wandered in the building when this happened . When gotten pushed like that , she immediately regretted to coming up to the prince , in the first place but said nothing . she got scared when mark banged his palm on the table beside her face . He untied her corset and unbuckled himself too and stared pushing her from behind . " Well well little mistress , now quickly tell me your lovely name ." He asked while panting lightly . " anna " she spoke in a meak low voice . She got intensely scared and moaned lightly , holding her mouth and closing her eyes tightly . " Well sweet anna , wanna have the best night of your life ?" The prince bended forward and held her hair tightly , throwing her to the wall life a lifeless doll . " Please my prince ! " Anna begged and moaned loudly this time . Mark when totally harsh and rough on her . Tears rolled down her cheeks when her neck was chocked by the prince and she begged for mercy . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• While on the other hand , Venezia's mind was totally distracted and troubled . She worried about the fact that she said a lot and yelled a little too much to the prince . She couldn't focus on her food on the dining table with her friends sitting and chatting aside her . She got irked again by the thought of apologizing to mark but a part of her somehow wanted it . So , she decided to write an apology letter instead of saying it on his face . She held a napkin and picked a pen from the pocket of her robe . She wrote a short and sweet apology letter ... " I didn't mean to hurt you , but you get on my nerves all the time . I have my own reasons for that . Anyways , all I want to say is , I apologise for my behaviour . Hope your behaviour can be apologetic too someday - yours truly , Lady Venezia . " Taking that small handkerchief in her hands , she immediately got up and walked out of the cafeteria . Daisy watched her go . She entered the monastery and decided to keep the letter secretly in the prince's chamber . As soon as she walked in between the corridors , she heard slight moaning coming from one of the rooms . She panicked and hoped to save the one who was crying for help . " Ahh !! Mercy ... Mercy your highness " Sadly , with Venezia's bad luck , she ended up peeking into the prince's chamber and having a look at a horrifying view . The girl was left breathless on the table while she looked at the ugly personality of the prince feeling stunned ! Her eyes widened and tears started gathering up on her waterline , feeling horrible for the girl . Her hand tightly crushed the small letter she was holding unknowingly . She couldn't bear to look at the view anymore . She felt sick and disgusted . She threw the letter from her hands and left it there when she sprinted back to the convent feeling pukeish. She puked on the way towards her chamber and even walking for her this moment felt like a task . She somehow managed to reach to her chamber . She couldn't breathe , she needed air . She felt so overwhelmed and walked up to her balcony . She looked up , searching for oxygen and got dizzy . She reached towards her balcony and tripped in her own feets and fell down . She sat on the floor looking up at the moon , finally feeling at ease when she was able to breathe the cold breeze . While looking at the moon , she loathed her own life , while tears started falling from her big hazel green eyes , uncontrollably . After some time , the prince got out of his chambers . Feeling a little tiresome , he noticed the napkin on his doorstep and decided to throw it away . When he picked it up , her saw something written on it , and stood there in Shock after reading the letter . he regretted it , he regretted every second of it . Since , two three days Venezia and mark spent in a total misery . They avoided each other and Pain and discomfort surrounded them like a cold blanket . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Venezia's pov : I had no clue what I was going through , why did I feel so much pain ? Why do I even care ? Why is it that it troubles me so much that I couldn't think of anything else . Even thinking about him makes me feel sick . Did I made him do that ? Was I , the reason ? Ah , why am I blaming myself now . Oh my lord , I don't want think about it , STOP , STOP !!!! Mark's pov : Why , why do I care ? So what she saw my ugly side , isn't this me ? I am always like this , I have always been . Ahh , I hate this . I don't wanna feel guilty . This guilt will be the death of me , MAKE IT STOP !! ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Endnote : hey , if you're a stranger reading and following up with the story , please put a "❤️" on the comment section so I would know . It'll encourage me ? Vote & comment ?
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