Chapter Four-Damian's Possessiveness

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“I think Freddie likes you, Angie. Why don’t you hang around with us?” asked Helena. Her eagerness at playing matchmaker clearly evident, although Angela couldn’t decipher why. She had always disliked Freddie, but he never seemed to get the idea at all. She shook her head. “No, I don’t think I want to. You go ahead, Nelly. I’m good,” said Angela, walking off to the library, but before she could reach it, Freddie pulled her into an empty classroom. “What the fu*k! Get off me, you as*hole,” she swore, trying to push him away. “Angela, will you come to my birthday celebrations this Saturday?” he asked in an almost pleading tone. His change of tone and behavior towards her recently was getting on her nerves. He had become too persistent and unpredictable. There was no knowing when he would grab her and force her to talk to him. “I don’t know. Most probably not,” she said, trying to avoid it. She didn’t like him and didn’t wish to encourage him in any way. “Helena’s coming along with Brian. I want you to attend it, please,” he coaxed, his face showing the discomfort and nervousness he was feeling. Angela had never seen him this nervous. He was very good-looking and the most notorious boy of the school and girls always flocked to him, boosting his ego. However, she was not one of those, as she was immune to his charms. “I’ll see. I can’t promise. I’ve to go to the library. Bye," she said, reaching for the door. He caught her hand and pulled her back to his side. “I won’t let you leave without a promise. You have to come or else I’m not celebrating. You can stay here with me the whole day,” he threatened, and Angela’s eyes widened at his words. “Why me? There are so many girls who would love to attend,” she reasoned, but he shook his head. “I only want you,” he said earnestly. “Please say yes.” Angela panicked hearing his words, but she tried not to show her vulnerability to him. “Ok,” she said, and extricating her wrist from his hold, she rushed towards the door. “I’ve got to go now,” she said before disappearing into the library. Her breathing normalized, and she was glad she could escape him. However, her relief was short-lived as a furious Damian strode into the library. He grabbed her hand in a bone-crushing grip, and pulled her along with him, dragging her almost. “Damian, you’re hurting me. What’s wrong with you?” she asked, trying to catch up with his pace. He didn’t respond, but his grip tightened. Angela knew he was pissed off because of Freddie and he wouldn’t be convinced easily. This was an everyday story, and she was tired of it. He dragged her to the back of the school building and swung her around to face him. “What do you think you’re up to?” he growled in a menacingly angry tone, his eyes glittering with fierce anger. "Damian, you're hurting me," she mumbled, unable to comprehend the mad fury flashing in his eyes. "What were you doing in a room with Freddie?" he growled, louder than before. "He was asking me to attend his birthday party," she informed, but it inflamed him further. "You will not go. You're mine, Angel. Only mine," he emphasized the word 'mine' again and again. Angela couldn't fathom why when they were only childhood friends. He wasn't her boyfriend, for God's sake. "You're my childhood friend, Damian. Don't fu*king dictate me," she spat out, pissed off at his behavior. He released her instantly and stomped off angrily. Angela sighed and trudged back to her class. What was wrong with Damian? She was very upset with both the boys trying to manipulate her. Maybe she wouldn't be attending Freddie's party, but Damian was making a big issue out of it. She didn't see Damian in the class, much to her relief. Freddie had a smug look on his face and Angela ignored him completely. Xavion sat alone throughout the day, in all the classes, with a disgusted and bored look on his face. After class, it was time to go home and Angela mounted her bike and rode home. Adam had gone for his extra classes and Alex usually returned two hours later. She quickly made two grilled sandwiches for herself. She was ravenous and ate up one when the doorbell rang. Going to the door, she opened it to find Damian on her doorstep. Damina stormed into her house, banging the door shut after him. He stared at Angela with pain in his eyes, grabbing her hand and pulling her into his arms. "Who do you love the most in the world, Angel?" he whispered, his eyes boring into hers as he held her gaze. "You," she said, and he released his breath and embedded his face into her neck. "Damian, you're tickling me." The words came out of her mouth as a giggle escaped her. "And now?" he asked as his mouth skimmed over her neck in a feather-like soft touch. An electric jolt ran down Angela's body at the touch of his warm lips on her neck. "I can't be only a friend to you anymore, Angel. You've got to see that, " he stated with a tortured look on his face. Angela pushed him off her. Her face was flushed with surprise and disbelief as she put some distance between them. "We're just fourteen, Damian. We shouldn't be doing this. You're my friend. Please don't break our friendship," she said as a tear rolled down her cheek. "Come here," he spoke on a tender note, calming down and softening more. Angela went closer, and he just wiped her cheek gently. "I promise I will never break our friendship. You're too precious to me. We will only be friends, but my feelings for you won't change ever," he promised. Angela's breath stopped at his declaration. "I can wait, Angel." He finished. The intensity with which he spoke frightened Angela. She didn't consider him more than her best friend. Now, after his declaration, she became a little aware of herself in his company. She started really thinking about where they stood. What were they, actually? She didn't attend Freddie's party, as her dad and brothers didn't approve. Damian was glad, and she was suspicious that he might have had some say in it. He was close to her brothers, so it wouldn't be too difficult to brainwash them. Life went on and every day was a novel experience for her. Sure Damian didn't cross his boundaries, but that didn't, however, make him less possessive of her. Nearly every day he and Freddie fought like cats and dogs over her. She realized Freddie wasn't all that bad. He was just a kid who came from a broken family and wanted attention. In fact, he and Damian were so alike that they had the same choice where girls were concerned. They both liked her! The school arranged for an educational camping trip for four days for their entire class. Everyone was going and she still couldn't get her family's approval. Disgusted with her life, she locked herself in her room, avoiding family meals altogether. She didn't want to cook for them or eat with them. After five days, her family gave in and she got her permission to go. They would be taken to a camp on Lake LBJ in Marble Falls, Texas. It was a short distance from the urban buildings, loud city streets and crowded byways. An outdoor school, teaching varied activities on their 80-acre haven in the Texas Hill Country, they looked forward to the trip. The school would provide transportation for the students. Everyone was excited to get a break from everyday school and studies. After packing their rucksacks with the specified items and essentials for their trip, they arrived at their school excitedly. Angela rushed, she was twenty minutes late since she woke up late and burnt the breakfast in her haste. She crossed her fingers, hoping that the buses didn't leave the campus. Damian waited anxiously, but when the buses were about to leave, he climbed up and occupied the last seat at the back that Xavion had saved for him. "Where's Angela's seat?" he asked Xavion, looking around at the fully packed bus. "I kept her a seat, but the guy next to you fought hard for it and forcefully sat on it," said Xavion, flailing his arms. "Where will she sit now?" asked an upset Damian. "Maybe she won't come," said Xavion and Damian was more disappointed than ever. "But she wanted to come along. We packed last night," said Damian unhappily. Angela came rushing and climbed onto the bus just as the driver had started the ignition. Damian stood nervously, trying to check whether she was arriving or not. The moment he saw her, he smiled with relief. He took her backpack and stored it in the overhead compartment. "What took you so long?" he asked curiously. Was she not wanting to come along with him? "Sorry, I woke up late and then burnt the breakfast. I had to make it again," she explained. Damian went to the back. There was only one seat available. "You sit, Angel. I can stand here. I'm quite comfortable," he said with a smile. "It's a three-hour journey, as we will check out some sights before heading to the camp. How can you stand for so long?" asked Xavion. "Let's squeeze in. I'm sure we can manage," suggested Angela. Everyone squeezed to make room for her, but the little space wasn't enough. Still, she sat down, her body sticking to Damian's. The bus stopped at the school gates as another girl came inside. Since there were no more seats, she sat on her boyfriend's lap. Damian and Xavion smirked at one another. "Angel, we would be paralyzed sitting like this. Sit on my lap, you'll be more comfortable," he suggested and Angela gaped at him. Xavion looked out of the window, trying to be as normal as possible. The bus jerked, and it threw Angela out of the little space she occupied. Damian caught her and placed her on his lap. It was more comfortable than the bus seat and Angela didn't complain. Damian was glad and pulled her close to his body. Angela's face turned red with embarrassment as Damian's hands held her to him. She could feel his hot breath on her neck and the tight muscles on his legs. She was acutely aware of him beneath her and his arm around her waist. "Are you comfortable?" he asked, leaning forward to whisper into her ears. Angela turned and looked at him. She wanted to say yes but got lost in his piercing blue eyes.
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