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Kara came out of the party exhausted to her bones. She was tired after keeping her lips in a smile the whole time they met their old friends and classmates. She was not happy, because most of them were just there to inquire in how much wealth Kara was going to be after marrying Damon and if their relationship was a business deal. She heard murmurs and she heard gossips, all she wanted to do was return to her room and as the clock struck one am, she gave the invitation card with Damon to the host and walked out of the party, letting Damon know that she wanted to go home. She walked outside and deeply inhaled the fresh air. After a few minutes, James drove out of the parking in the SUV but Kara did not get in. Feeling him near herself was already too hard to bear, and currently, she was not in the state of being anywhere near close to him. A few minutes later Damon came out running towards them, "Sorry, took a bit long." he smiled at Kara while handing over the purse to her. "It's okay. Let's go." Kara took the purse from him and took one step towards the car when the defeating sound of a gunshot startled them. Kara staggered back a step but her eyes immediately went to look for Damon beside her as she murmured in worry, "Damon?" "WHAT THE f**k?!" They heard James shout as he tried to get out of the car but Damon barked back, "James, stay inside the car!" A few more gunshots sounded extremely close to them and there was no other place to run to. Damon grabbed Kara's hand and pulled her behind the SUV.  Damon fell on his knees while pulling Kara along, hiding behind the car, and then slowly started to crawl to the door of the SUV and got in. James instantly started the car and drove off from there at full speed. Their home was about twenty five minutes away from the place. As soon as they got inside the main doors and James stopped the car, Kara got off the car in a hurry and called out the security. She turned back to see James get out of the car but then noticed that Damon had not gotten out of the car. She hurried to open the car and saw Damon's eyes were closed. At the sight, she gulped down the fear that instantly engulfed her. James ran to Damon's side as Kara whispered, "James, please help me." James was confused for a second but then saw the pool of blood on Damon's back. He instantly grabbed hold of Damon's arms and helped him get out of the car. Kara moved ahead and immediately ran inside the house, calling for Damon's parents and grandma. They came running out and took Damon to the nearest room while a servant called the doctor and police.  "Bring some hot water." Kara shouted while helping Damon take off his jacket and then the t-shirt he was wearing. There was a long cut on his back, but thankfully not too deep. "The bullet has just touched the area." James said as relief flooded inside their hearts.  "You will be fine." Kara whispered to him, she was merely a second away from crying. "I know." Damon smiled at her in reassurance. Just then the doctor came and asked them to leave the room. Kara was reluctant but then she had to leave the room with others as the doctor started his work. "James, what happened?" His father asked urgently. James' gaze slid to Kara before going back to his parents. "Gunshot attack." "You should have taken care of them!" His father threw his hands up in their air in frustration, "now no place is safe anymore. You guys should take better care. Take security with you next time you go anywhere." "What is happening?" Kara asked with confusion, "Why are people with guns attacking us?" "It is nothing, kiddo," James' father put his hand on her head and said in a low tone, "just some bullshit people." "I think it is time she needs to know." James folded his hands on his chest and looked at Kara. "James, shut your mouth."  Kara's heartbeats fastened. She was not aware that there were things being kept hidden from her. Especially about herself. "Uncle, what is the matter?" she begged. How could she see her second family in distress because of herself? "It is nothing, Kara. Just business stuff. You don't need to be worried." Neil smiled at her gently. "It is because of you the attack happened today." James said loudly at the same time, making everyone's eyes turn to him. "What?" Kara's breath got stuck in her throat as her eyes widened in shock. "James shut your mouth or I swear to God..."  "She is not a kid anymore!" James blasted, "she needs to know what dangers are surrounding her so she can stay aware and avoid them. Avoiding the problem is not a solution Mr. Sullivan." "You just want to destroy her happiness, James. Who the hell gave you the right to ruin the peace of the family?" Neil took threatening steps towards James as his face turned red in anger. James stood his ground as he looked away angrily. Then instead of swallowing his words, he shouted, "I am not interested in ruining the so called peace of YOUR family. All I want for her to be aware of what the hell is going on right now instead of keeping her in the dark like you." **** Precap:::  Like his prayer was answered, his phone started ringing and Kara's name flashed on the screen. He immediately picked it up and spat, "Are you okay?" The other end of the phone was buzzing with extremely loud music. He could barely hear Kara's voice as she said, "YES! I am... absoluuuuuutely... I think something? James... I think I am on a roller coastrrrr. The sky spins!" Realization dawned upon James as he heard her slurry words. He started pacing in the room like a wounded lion as he shouted over the phone, "You are drunk?!" --- Please join my P a t r e o n channel and get advanced access to all the chapters.Just search for:p a t r e o n . c o m / k t i s h 7
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