3. Rose

1632 Words
“Where are you taking me?” “To your owner's suite.” The word owner echoed loudly in my head. It was unheard of to know that I had been bought by someone, but the fact that this guard was dragging me upstairs was a clear sign of how my life had completely changed. “What time is it?” “Time for you to shut the f**k up.” He led me down a hallway of what appeared to be a luxury hotel, leading me to a room that could certainly be considered the exact representation of wealth itself. “You'll stay here with the cleaning ladies; if you do anything, I'll come and cut your tongue out.” The warning put me on my guard, more so when two girls dressed like Chiara came in. They started talking in Italian while cleaning everything, ignoring me completely until a woman in her forties came in with a very serious look on her face. She looked amazing in a red dress that showed off a spectacular figure and had a silver necklace with a black hoop that was a standout. “Is this the girl the Camorra man bought?” she asked in English, and I frowned. “Yes, ma'am," answered one of the girls. “In my fifteen years as a w***e, I have never seen a Mafioso pay so much money for a woman," she said as if I wasn't there. “Much less one as violent and bloodthirsty as the Diavolo.” “Very few people know his tastes in bed; many are afraid of him for exactly that reason," muttered one of the cleaning girls with a giggle. “He usually brings foreign escorts who have already been trained in the art of submission. Very few locals usually meet his violent requirements. Haven't you provided him with submissives?” The woman smiled, amused. -A few who have willingly gone to his meetings, so I'm surprised he spent so much money on a foreign virgin and uneducated of his tastes," she mumbled curiously. “It's atypical of him to do something like this; he's not known for buying women because he doesn't need to when any woman with the same tastes would fall at his feet for the power, he can give her... Although his cruelty is a barrier for anyone to stay away.” I didn't know why that woman spoke freely in front of me, but it wasn't hard for me to understand that the man who had bought me was very dangerous. “What would be so special about her other than her beauty? Beautiful women, more than her, come and go like that.” Those words struck a deep chord in my mind. The only answer I had for it was that the man who bought me could do it because he felt like it. And that somehow made me nauseous, one that I couldn't control. “Don't throw up in here; the girls have just cleaned up; go to the bathroom," ordered the mysterious woman. As soon as I could, I got up and went straight to the nearest bathroom to deposit everything I had retained in my stomach. It wasn't much, but enough to make me recline on the damn toilet. “What did they give you to make you like this?” asked the woman when I finished vomiting. I denied it because I didn't have the slightest idea. “I don't know." “Get up and rinse your mouth. The lord of the Camorra must find you in good shape; if he sees you destroyed like this, he will be in a very bad mood, and I don't want the night to turn into a bloodbath.” That was the last straw for my patience. I got up with difficulty, not to please her but because I could not stand the taste of bile on my tongue. When I finished rinsing my mouth, it was difficult for me to hold myself up, and it was at that moment that she took my arm carefully. “Let's get you on the bed.” She led me over there, sat me down, and then handed me a glass of water. “Take this; it will help with the feeling.” I drank out of inertia, but I was actually very thirsty, so thirsty that it made me think of the hours I had been disconnected from everything. Then I looked into her eyes, and she was detailing me with great suspicion. “Where are you from?” she asked with genuine curiosity, but I clenched my fists. “You sound like an American, but your accent is much more leisurely. Why did you come to Italy?” “You're not interested.” “You're right, I'm not interested in you as a person; I'm interested in how you can adapt as a product," he said seriously, and I couldn't help but close my eyes. “It's unusual for a pretty girl like you to be a virgin at your age, if not strange for you to travel alone. But that's not what matters at this point; what interests us is whether you want to survive a man who is capable of killing anyone who annoys him without hesitation.” I hadn't thought about it; I hadn't even been given time to think about it. “I'm going to be very benevolent today, so I'm going to give you a piece of advice given by the person who bought you: do whatever he asks of you no matter what. From now on, your will is his will, and if you have something you love in this life that you don't want him to hurt, be what he wants you to be.” “He doesn't own my will.” She smiled with amusement. “You are strong-willed and that is admirable. Maybe the lord of the Camorra will be very amused, but if you want to keep your tongue in your mouth, don't even think of contradicting him.” It seemed absurd that this woman was saying all those things to me. “Why should I have to listen to any of you? Why should I have to bend my dignity? Why should I have to give my soul to a stranger?” “Because that stranger is the devil, and if you don't want to burn in the flames of hell, the best thing you can do is to beg him to take you to paradise itself," he answered with a smile that repulsed me. “It is a piece of advice I give you to survive; it would be a waste for your beauty to be lost, as well as all those millions he paid for you.” With that, he left the room and left me alone with my thoughts. Thoughts that altered as the minutes passed without hearing from my buyer. My fate had been sealed, and I didn't know if it was the effect of the substance, they had given me, but my body began to heat up to the point of sweating and feeling some sensitivity in my breasts and legs. It was like a nightmare possessing me in the flesh. I was feeling so hot that I didn't notice when a man entered the room. I only became aware of this one when I heard the door close. I immediately turned to see him. At that moment, I stopped breathing. It was as if time had stopped because before me stood none other than the man from the airport, the one I had bumped into and had that most disconcerting interaction with. He was wearing a suit that suited him just as well as the other one, but this time he wasn't shading his character; in fact, he looked a thousand times more intimidating, like a predator, before he started his home. Suspicion crossed my mind, bile rose again in my throat, and I held it back when he walked up to me and leaned a little to look at me closely, so I couldn't help but ask: “Who are you?” He smiled at my question, and although I was completely frightened and my heart was racing, I couldn't help but stand up a little so as not to be intimidated. However, that man, who was no match for the Boss model, licked his lips as if I was the most appetizing food in the world. My mind sort of short-circuited before that. “I own you, and from today on, you are at my mercy.” His words struck deep, so much so that I couldn't help but feel total rejection at his statement, so I looked at him with all the hatred I ever thought I could have felt in my life. That was so funny to him that he couldn't help but laugh, and with a quickness I didn't see coming, he grabbed the back of my neck and pulled my hair with a force that was annoying. “You're mine, mine alone, whether you like it or not.” My reaction was to bring both my hands to his wrist to prevent him from continuing to pull my hair, but touching him felt like fire on my skin, and I couldn't help but moan in pain before the sensation of his touch. “I'm never going to be yours, you wretch.” I pushed as hard as I could, and it was a mistake. From one moment to the next, I felt my body start to go numb to the point that I couldn't breathe properly. He reacted fast and shouted something in Italian before I lost consciousness again.
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