9. Rose

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“You have to eat everything," Charlotte asked for the umpteenth time. “Really, I'm not hungry; I'm not a big eater; I get full with little.” My answer didn't amuse her, but she took the leftover lasagna and carried it out of the room anyway. “Here are your medicines, miss," said Giana, one of the girls on duty who was also taking care of me. “Take everything, then we'll change you so you can go for a walk outside. It's a beautiful day, so you can take the opportunity to watch the sunset.” I nodded and listened to her. It was one of my few opportunities to study the house, the location, and the possible exits. I didn't know whether to be thankful or not because the jealous girlfriend had tried to kill me, although that had brought things to a new level of control. The only thing I was certain of was not to let anything that would bring me closer to freedom pass me by. I had what I had to fight for, and I was not going to give up so easily. After taking everything my body required, Giana put me in a modest white dress that was fresh and, to my surprise, let me see more than I was used to. It was too see-through, but I wasn't going to argue with that. She helped me with my necklace, the damn accessory that I couldn't take off for the world, and after pulling my hair into a high ponytail, she led me to the pool area. The view was incredible, so I took the opportunity to make myself believe I was entertained with everything while I mentally scanned the area: the house was big, it was close to a kind of cliff, it had several spaces, and there was a garden with leafy trees that served as a wall. It was surrounded by many men; some were walking dogs that were on alert, and I did not have a complete view of the entire perimeter. I had to find a way around the entire house to escape. The only way to do that was to blend in, and it seemed to be mission impossible. After a few minutes of wandering around, I sat down at one of the tables near the swimming pool and contemplated the sea that lay before me. If I had been at liberty with such a magnificent view, my hell would probably be paradise itself. “I'll go get the young lady a cool drink," said Giana to one of the security men. At that moment, I felt a certain fear; I didn't trust anyone, and the fact that they had followed a direct order from a jealous madwoman put me in the worst position of all. So, I tried to stay calm. “She's a very beautiful woman," one of the men muttered in an almost imperceptible voice. “I understand why the boss decided to officially make her his woman.” “Shut your mouth and don't talk nonsense.” “You're not going to tell me you're not curious about how Mancini men have wives," said the same asshole incessantly. “What's surprising is that he bought her; no Mancini ever got a woman that way before. Their official slaves are supposed to be the only women they have, with whom they form a family, and according to my grandfather, the culture of domination and submission they adapt is for life. If I could have a woman serve me like that, I would be the luckiest man in the world.” “If you say anything about the master and his late family again, you're going to get shot in the forehead, so leave right now before they realize there's a rookie here," his companion scolded him and walked away. No one said anything again, but for me, hearing that felt like a shiver. That couldn't be; Matteo couldn't have bought me to be the woman of his life; it was not only crazy; it was the scariest idea of all. I was so terrified that I couldn't help getting up. At that moment, Giana appeared with a glass of grape juice, which I denied. “I want to go to the room; I'm not feeling well.” With that indication, she took me to my quarters. There, in the solitude of the room, I could only cry for my damn luck. If that man's plan was to trap me in his clutches and turn me into a malleable piece, he was going to tear me apart. And I don't know if it was bad luck or the universe biting me in the ass, but my captor walked in with some folders when I was in the middle of my crying fit. Which he not only found amusing but invited him to take a seat to witness my breakdown. “At least I see you're well enough to be dramatic," said the cretin. “I know asking for privacy is impossible with you, but I'd like to cry alone without you saying stupid things like that.” He widened his smile to a point that was sickening. “Your clever tongue is a pleasure to listen to, Rose.” It was the first time he had ever called me by name, which put me on guard. “My pleasure is my freedom.” “One I'm not going to give you," he replied bluntly. “That's not up for discussion, and to make it clear, I want you to look through these.” He spread the folders out on the bed, and I looked at them suspiciously. I pondered for a second if I could throw them at his head and tell him to go to hell, but I knew his answer would be to spank me. I had learned my lesson, and if I could keep the wretch from touching me, then it was a victory for me. I opened the first folder, and the blood in my body froze. Rose Smith Date of birth: 12/20/2002 Mother: Pamela James (deceased) Father: not registered Legal guardian: Camelia St. James Primary Address: 98-14 Ascan Ave., Unit 2, Fl. Flushing, NY 11375. Forest Hills Neighborhood. Email: amayajames_@gmail.com Social Security: 860 - 269 - 1930 College Degree: Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing from New York University. Occupation: freelance romance writer. Political Party: unidentified. Marital status: single. Social life: no conspicuous activities. Hobbies: reading, book clubs, painting, and editing. Attached are her daily routines, work, and peculiarities of her eating plan. “It's easy to say that I researched you, and I can say that I know everything I need to know about you," he said with amusement. In the other folders, you will find extra information to back up what I say. I opened them and had to close my eyes so I wouldn't break down in front of that bastard. He had matching folders of my family: my aunt, her husband, my cousins, her other family, and information on my late mother's and grandparents' last activities. He had in his possession what he needed to blackmail me. So I looked at him seriously. “What do you want from me?” “I told you, your obedience," he answered with overwhelming certainty. “If you give me your full obedience, nothing will happen to your family. They will be fine, no problems at all, and I will allow you to call or write to them, as long as you behave well, follow my rules, and don't say anything stupid.” I swallowed with fear. “They…” “I belong to one of the most tentacled mafias in New York; most of my staff is American or belongs to a family located there, so it's very easy to hear them talking in English or Italian," he explained mischievously. “I have a whole section of people watching St. James's, so the moment you make a move outside my rules, they will pay the consequences. So only you have the power to choose whether something bad happens to them or not.” If I had had any vestiges of hope, Matteo had ripped it out from under me. “Don't do anything to them, please." I begged him in a tone of voice that made me look pathetic. He got up and walked over to me, took me by the chin, and smiled. “Say you're mine, and we have a deal.” I knew what he was doing; he wanted to humiliate me in a very low way: by bending me. A part of me, the part that wanted to get out of all this alive, was about to spit in his face, yet the protective part that loved his family with all its might was squirming at the clear threat of the situation. Tears ran down my cheeks, and with disgust, I pronounced my sentence. “I am yours.” “Excellent decision, Bella... You have been very wise," he said as he wiped away my tears. And for that, I am going to be compassionate with you in a way I usually am not. “What do you mean?” “If you become my ideal submissive and please me in the best way, I will give you freedom in a year," he replied in a soft voice. “In 365 days, I will let you go with the assurance that I will not hurt anyone in your family; I will leave you alone, and you will never hear from me again.” That shocked me.
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