30. Rose

1660 Words

"Of course it is," I said with a smile. "So, at last, your duties as master and lord of the universe, owner and boss of a mafia, have given you free time." "Oh, beautiful, no doubt I missed your viperous tongue and that quickness to release poison very much." Shrewdly, he walked and came to where I stood, and with a naturalness that surprised me, he gave me a chaste kiss on the lips that for a moment left me out of focus. I didn't expect that kind of sweetness from a man who was cruel. "What the hell are you reading?" he asked very curiously. "The Secret of the Wolf," I replied after showing him the cover of the book. "It's a paranormal romance book that's selling like hotcakes and that I'm trying to study so that, at some point, I can understand how the market is evolving so that I

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