
1780 Words

Still blushing and panting, she parted her lips in a mute plea for him to continue. She was just getting over an orgasm and the sassy Bella wanted more, so I didn't know whether to laugh, punish her, or marvel. "You were an anxious cousin, weren't you?" "Yes, sir," he said honestly. So I opened the grips on her feet a little and decided to lift her in weight, which made her gasp heavily. I squeezed her buttocks a lot to get into the position I wanted. I wasn't going to f**k her, not yet until I could solidify my master plan, but that wasn't going to stop me from stimulating her to complete pleasure. So I started a violent movement between her legs, without penetrating her, and that was like catapulting her. She threw her head back, panting and giving herself over to what she was giv

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