
1129 Words

Fiona’s POV My tears soaked the bed sheet and for a moment I felt regretful that I didn't talk to King Ronan right. He hasn't done anything wrong to me. But that doesn’t make it any easier to deal with. I sat up folding my legs into my chest. I glanced around the room and as large as it was, it felt choking. I have never felt much loneliness after my parent's death. I always had my best friend and lover around me. After they betrayed me there was Chan whom I thought was going to be my companion. Now that he turned out to be a king, I would be delusional to think he would want anything to do with me. I wiped at the tears rolling down my face. I can’t wait for all of this to be over and I get to make good use of my life. My hand rubbed at my belly slowly. There is nothing fanciful about

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