
1076 Words

onan’s POV My eyes fluttered open as the morning sun shined brightly into them. I kisses my teeth at the sharp hurt that followed. Looking to my side Freya isn’t next to me. I felt the bed and it was cold which meant that she has been up for a while. I was quite tired last night and seeked solace in Fiona’s room. I can’t exactly remember how i returned to the room, but whichever way i am sure I didn’t cause any ruckus. “You sure did.” Dion mentioned. Putting a halt in my day that has barely started. “What would i have done in my sleep state?” I questioned. “What couldn’t you have done? I warned you last night to stay put in the room but you just had to go to Fiona. Not only are you going to create unwarranted enmity, you are hurting Freya. Put yourself in her shoes and consider wha

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