
1100 Words

Author’s POV Freya sat back in the chair radiating confidence. There was no need for her to hide her face down at Callum's home. Ronan knows she is coming to see him and there wasn’t any need to be suspicious he is her inlaw after all. After her heart to heart talk with Ronan last night. She feels there might be a way for them to get back together and resolve their differences. As much as she tries to not think about it. The guilt of all the things she has indulged in, in the past few weeks have crippled her. Maybe things can get to work out between she and Ronan. Fiona would be due in the next three to four months and all of their worries would fade away. After all it won’t be the first time a queen looks after her husband’s child. She won’t be the last either. Callum stepped into th

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