
1140 Words

Fiona’s POV I winced at the slight pain that strucked my vein from the sudden push i had earlier. I have had several weird happenings in my life and this tops it all. Queen Freya didn’t mind putting my child and i in danger just to vent her anger. I have to start planning my escape from here. Staying here isn’t worth all of this trouble. As much as they don’t want me here, i don’t want to be either. I was just scared for nothing, thinking it would be hard for me to look after my child and myself. I keep forgetting that i am a strong shewolf that have survived so much travails since the death of my parents. If i could scale through that, i can with this one too. “Your body is not the same, Fiona. And looking after a baby is quite tasking.” Rin said in a low tone. I sniffed, “it doesn

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