Chapter 92

2024 Words

She gave a loud exclamation and immediately blushed. Alan glanced at her. "Let me see the injury." "No injuries..." The words sound just fell, the hem has been picked up by Alan, then, the blue marks appeared in front of Doria a choke. She doesn't even know when she was hurt. The bodyguards were not light or heavy. They were not sure when they hit her. She didn't feel much pain either. Unconsciously raised his eyes and looked at Alan, and he saw the man staring at the place where he hit. His eyes were dark and terrible... Thinking of Alan's appearance in the hospital just now, she swallowed her saliva unconsciously, and the demon king's anger had not gone down yet... she obediently closed her mouth. Alan's finger belly gently rubbed the blue place, with a little strength. Doria su

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