Chapter 88

2017 Words

"Is it..." . . . . . . Alan was very busy and went out after eating. Not long after he left, Doria thought for a moment and planned to go to the hospital to see linda's father. He heard that he only stayed in the hospital last night. When you get to the hospital, let Uncle Lin go back first. Doria got out of the car and walked directly to the hospital. At this time, across the street. In the black car, Zhao Xinyu's red eyes were circled, obviously just crying. He put down the window and watched Doria enter the hospital. He asked the driver in front of him, "Alan refused my grandmother's marriage, that is to say, because he was married?" "Yes... that's what the old lady said. The old lady asked me to tell the young lady that you should not insist. Master alan is not the kind of pers

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