Chapter 28

2016 Words

"Cut, that's not obvious, of course, it's fake. Jiuan, you think everyone can wear this kind of clothes like you. Now there are so many imitations and the cost is not much. Naturally, it can't be compared with the real one." The woman said, looking at Doria with some contempt. Doria did not speak, sipped his lips and slowly put down his glass. Mu Jiuan saw that Doria did not speak, and his face recovered a little smile. "Don't say, if it is true, Doria knew many people before. Maybe who would help her buy it? I heard that her boyfriends all work for Alan family." "Oh, Juan, You can stop speaking for Doria, If it is true, I can't say for sure how I came here. I can't say for sure that I want to come to the banquet held by my fiance before. I want to dress myself up better. Jiuan, you are

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