Chapter 8

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"I'm not in a hurry, but my son wants a father. All children of the same age have a father, but he doesn't..." Smell speech, the man's face has a moment of stiffness, don't speak. He did not speak, which made people unable to guess what he thought. Doria felt some inexplicable embarrassment in the atmosphere in the room and couldn't help looking at Mo Chen. Is the young master in a bad mood today? Did she hit the gun again? Mo Chen swallowed saliva, don't open your eyes, pretending not to see Doria's eyes for help. It took a long time for Alan to look at her. Leaning on the back of the chair behind her, she looked at her and said slowly, "When is the blind date?" "In two days..." She crustily skin of head said: "So in two days I have to take half a day off..." Say that finish, don't know if it is an illusion, she felt that the young master looked at her eyes colder, she wanted to cry, she also don't want to ah. "Please take the leave and make it up at night." "Good..." Make up for it. "Place of blind date." "It looks like a downtown building." She unconsciously replied that there was a shopping street and a cinema cafe in the city of Lan, so it was a very suitable place for blind dates. When she finished speaking, she saw that her young master's eyes were somewhat strange and she could not see through them. It took him a long time to sniff, "No emotional appeal." Doria: "…" … … After Doria went out, he coughed slightly. "Master, do you really want Miss Doria to go on a blind date?" "Yes." Mochen stunned, he thought the young master would stop it, but... He took a careful look at his young master and saw that he could not see any emotion on his face, but he guessed that the young master should not want to. He unconsciously said, "Miss Doria people are very easy-going and easy to talk about. Maybe they have made a decision with others..." The man's hand with the pen suddenly tightened, raised his eyes and gave Mo Chen a cold look. Mo Chen knew he had said something wrong and quickly closed his mouth. The man looked at him for a long time, then hung his head to look at the documents again. It took a long time before he uttered a sentence, "It's settled." Mo Chen did not dare to say anything this time. He really can't guess what the young master thinks. To say that he likes others, he puts them under his nose, but he connives at them to go on blind dates. This is not like the young master's character... Date day. Doria was a little nervous. Before coming out of home in the morning, a treasure gave her a look and said, "Doria, although the other party is a handsome boy, the most handsome man is still waiting for you at home. Don't be tempted by beauty easily." "Of course, I like Little John's male gods best." "Well, I am the only one who will not abandon your clumsiness." A treasure nodded. Doria: "…" Looking at Meng Bao, who was carrying a small schoolbag and was in a good mood, she asked, "Little John, do you really want a father? In fact, don't father, mother can also raise you..." A treasure looked at her and said, "No father, who will pour out the garbage in the house every day? Hum, when I was in G province, I was the one who was selling cute. Grandpa Lin could help pour it out, but no one here." Doria: "…" He wants his father, just wants someone who can help him take out the garbage? At noon, she finished her work, found Chen Yi and went out directly. Shortly after she left, the black car drove back into the villa. The man walked slowly towards the upstairs. Mochen was talking all the time behind him. The man would answer occasionally. On the third floor, Alan looked at Chen Yi not far away and said, "Tell Doria to make a cup of coffee and deliver it." Say that finish and want to go. "Master, Doria has asked for leave today. It seems that he has gone on a date. I'll give you a bar." Hearing this, the man's steps froze and Mo Chen, who was talking, closed his mouth. Alan looked at Chen Yi and her delicate brow slightly puckered. "Have you gone on a date?" "Yes... she said she asked the young master..." ###First Appointment 1 Alan did not speak, but handsome face instantly caught a touch of cold, directly turned and entered the nearby study, Mo Chen did not dare to say much, followed in. When he entered the room, the man seemed to have nothing to do and continued to deal with the matter. When I opened the drawer, I saw an envelope sealed in kraft paper. Alan gave me a hand. Mo Chen said at the right time, "That's the photo of the young master sent back by Lin Shu. It's all recent photos. The little fellow looks much taller than last year. Last year was not obvious. This year is more like the young master." "Yes." The man drew out the photo and Alan squinted unconsciously when he saw the adorable treasure with a small face in the photo. "I heard Uncle Lin say that the young master and the young master have very similar personalities and eyes, all like the young master." "His mother has no eyes." "Er..." Mo Chen stunned, I don't know who the young master's mother is, the young master has never said. He had to say, "If you can be with the young master, your eyes should not be bad." All of a sudden, the man grunted coldly, "If he had a good eye, he wouldn't have found a man to go out on a blind date now." Mo Chen was shocked, blind date? It won't be... Alan put the photo back in the drawer, tapping his jointed fingers on the table top, sipping his thin lips slightly, and saying, "Prepare the car." "Yes... where is the young master going?" "Go out for a walk, go to the city." With that, he frowned softly and got up and went straight to the outside. "Yes!" In the cinema hall, Doria and Chen Jinfeng were sitting together. They were sitting side by side. She was still holding the popcorn he had bought. She had not seen the movie so easily in six years. Looking at it carefully, I suddenly felt that a line of sight fell on me. She turned her head and blinked. She saw Chen Jinfeng looking at herself. "What's the matter? Is there anything dirty on my face?" She touched her face. The relationship with Chen Jinfeng was not bad before, so she was somewhat embarrassed to have a blind date with him. At this time, the movie is playing a lovely child, shouting "Dad" mouthful by mouthful behind the man. Chen Jinfeng's eyes flashed, "I like children very much." "Hmm?" "I have never been so eager to come to a blind date since I knew that you were the blind date with the children." Say that finish, smiled, don't open the line of sight, Doria is still stare blankly there, what is this, confession... She is a little uncomfortable, will this be a little too fast... Later, Chen Jinfeng didn't say anything else, but took her to the mall for a turn. He looked natural as if he didn't say those words just now. Finally, the two pushed open a well-decorated cafe. The cafe is very large, and here, those who can come here are all prominent figures in Lancheng. Doria froze for a moment. She knew that Chen Jinfeng had money, but it was still too extravagant for her to come here for a stroll. The waiter led her and Chen Jinfeng to a table decorated with flowers. Because the table next door was blocked by flowers, it looked very clean. Doria sat down and looked aside. Seeing that she could not see from this angle, she simply withdrew her sight. "Latte?" "Well, thank you." "Your taste has not changed." Chen Jinfeng smiled and looked like he knew her very well. Doria looked at his cup and stared blankly. "You like this too..." "We have the same taste." ###First Date 2 Hearing this, Doria felt a little blushed. After so many years, he still remembered what she liked to drink, but she didn't remember his taste. It was really embarrassing. At the next table, the man leaned on the back of the chair with his legs folded. At this angle, he could just see the next table clearly and blocked himself. He took a sip of coffee and could see the little crimson face of the woman. The bottom of the eyes was instantly cold with ice. I don't know if it's an illusion, Doria always feels that there is a cold line of sight fixed on his body, and his back is cold for no reason. After Chen Jinfeng sat down, although his words were not much, they would not make the atmosphere between the two cold. Gradually, Doria also relaxed a little. Chen Jinfeng coughed lightly and smiled: "Let's get down to business, um... I need a wife now, but my friends have arranged several blind dates and I have pushed them off... Doria, I just said, because I know that the person I met today is you, so I came with sincerity on this blind date." Doria was somewhat embarrassed, "that... I have a son, don't you feel kui..." "No loss." He gave a wry smile. "To be honest, I won't have any plans to have children in a short period of time. You know, my family is quite special. If my brother doesn't take over, I won't have children." Speaking of which, the words slightly said, "I heard linda say that your family is a very lovely boy. I may speak a little straight. I know who you are. I will not ask about the father of the child. Moreover, because it is your child, I will treat him well. At least, I will do what a father should do, for example, take him to the amusement park." His eyes are sincere and fixed on Doria. Doria, of course, believed what Chen Jinfeng said was true, but he suddenly said so. She did not know how to answer. Open his mouth, "I..." Before she finished speaking, she only heard a "bang" sound. The sound of the cup being laid down heavily next door interrupted Doria's words. Doria couldn't help looking over there and couldn't see anything. Alan sat here, coldly raised his eyes and glanced at Mo Chen, with a light snort. Mo Chen silently swallowed his saliva, only feeling that in such an atmosphere, he could not sit still. In his heart, he was praying that Miss Doria could say less and that he would suffer less. "Doria?" Chen Jinfeng also looked over there. He could not see anything and then withdrew his sight. He looked at her with a smile and waited for her answer. She was interrupted for a moment, recovered her calm, pondered for a moment, and said: "Thank you for saying so, I don't know yet... You are very nice, you used to take care of me very much, and now you can not abandon coming here for blind dates. I am very grateful to you... but I am not alone, I have children, you know, I want to ask my son..." Chen Jinfeng breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "I know this. It is better for you to bring the child out another day and I will know him." To be able to say so means that she should not have much opinion of him.
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