Chapter 6

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Jack was blocked by two security guards. "What are you doing? Manager Zhang, is that how you do things? This is Lancheng, is S country! Do you dare to connive at their riots here?" "I'm really sorry, Master jack. We have already checked the video. It was your fiancee Miss Mu's fault, so I can't help it..." In other words, who really checked the video? Master alan spoke, not to mention that Doria family has fallen for several years, that is, hundreds of years. Master alan said Miss Doria was an honored guest, and then she was an honored guest. Mu Jiuan was already in a mess and did not want to look like this. Even his delicate little face was dirty. There were also those shop assistants, especially the one who pushed Doria before, who tripped on the ground and cried out in pain. "Call the police, call the police, I want them to sit at the bottom of the prison..." Mujiuan shouted, but no one took a reason to her. Doria looked at such Mujiuan and suddenly wanted to laugh. At this moment, I suddenly felt a burning line of sight fixed on my body. Turning my head, I saw jack looking at me for a moment. The eyes were as bright as a deep pool. I couldn't see how angry I was, but just looked at her. Doria pretended not to see, don't open your eyes. … … After coming out, Doria still did not return to absolute being. "Scared?" "No... thank you, Mr. Mo." "You're welcome, thank the young master if you want. I help the young master." Mo Chen smiled. "Master!" In my mind, a handsome man's face flashed through my mind and my heart beat fiercely. "I was just on the phone with the young master, so I told the young master about this, so everything is what the young master means, probably because the young master never allows his own people to be bullied outside." Mo Chen looked at her eyes with some deep meaning. "The young master's man?" She stunned, "is the young master so kind to his servants..." She didn't believe it, and now she hasn't returned to absolute being. Her new boss was willing to vent his anger on one of her little servants... "Well, the young master has always been very good." Mo Chen smiled and did not explain much. Doria was sent back by Mo Chen on his way, and his head was always in a mess. ###His sweetheart At this time. The mall is still a mess. Mujiuan was driven out of the store and took jack's hand. His eyes turned red and his heart was filled with jealousy. "Shubai, they have gone too far. I went home and told my father that I could not spare them!" The man did not speak. After a long time, he slowly said, "Forget it, you are also wrong." "Book white what do you say! I am your fiancee, can't you see that she even has children, you have already broken up, she also has a new man, why don't you know just that the person in charge of the store is her new hook-up ah, otherwise Doria family fell down, who cares about her..." "If you think too much, things will pass." Jack gave her a curl of eyebrows. Mu Jiuan one leng, see the man obviously displeased, finally closed his mouth, but his eyes are more red, jealous in my heart. Doria, you little b***h! What is it that you dare to throw your weight around here? If you dare to go back to Lan Cheng, you can only let me Mu Jiuan rub round and pinch flat. I can't spare you! In the evening, Doria had a meal and watched a treasure sit in front of the tea table and draw a picture. Doria sat aside, still thinking about the afternoon. When she was stunned, her cell phone rang. It was her best friend linda's phone. "What's the matter, Little John secretly sent me a text message saying that you went home in a mess." As soon as Doria was stunned, he saw a little person who was not far away and should have drawn seriously, secretly aiming here. She caught him, and his little eyes moved away calmly. He was not at all like the person who secretly complained to Aunt linda. She stared at a treasure for a long time and told linda about seeing jack and Mujiuan. The other end of the phone was silent for a long time. "Doria, to be honest, after such a long time, you should also consider finding a man to marry. Even Little John needs a father." "I don't need, Little John also don't need..." When she said this, she saw the picture drawn by the child on the painting paper and choked on her words. It was obviously a man and Little John drew his father. For a moment when she was stunned, a treasure squinted. Suddenly stood up, took advantage of Doria's inattention, grabbed the cell phone directly, looked at her, and said: "The teacher said that men should take on the big things in the family. Doria should leave the matter of finding a boyfriend to the only man in the family!" At this point, without waiting for Doria to say anything, he ran directly to the bedroom. It was "snapped" and locked. Doria: "…" Ten minutes later. "Baby, open the door." Nobody cares. "The brighter, open the door." Nobody cares. "John, there is no sugar to eat without opening the door." Still nobody cares. Inside, on the big bed, a treasure took a mobile phone and looked at the locked door with contempt. He was five years old and not a naive ghost of three or four years old. How could he be cheated by a few pieces of sugar? Little head shook, Doria is still so naive. At this moment, the message came from the mobile phone, and linda's voice came from the voice over there. "Little John, the photo has been sent. See which one you like." A treasure turned over, small eyebrows locked, shaking his head, too ugly. Small eyebrows locked, shaking head, too old. Small eyebrows locked, shaking head, too obscene. "What about this? A former high school classmate in Doria, the young master of the Chen family, had chased Doria before." Linda Road. "Well... this can still be seen." A treasure nodded seriously. "But it is still a little worse than the beautiful uncle, but it can also match Doria." "Beautiful beads? When your mother finds her boyfriend, your aunt will give you a beautiful pearl to play with, ha ha." Tang laughed, "Then I'm ready to arrange for them to have a kiss and meet." "Yes." A treasure nodded. Doria stood outside the door and smoked his mouth to find her a boyfriend. Did she agree? ? ? And shut her out? ? ? -- At this time, Alan family's old house. The large banquet living room of the old house was opening a small banquet. Mo Chen walked slowly in and saw the man standing in front of the French window at a glance. Walking past, he whispered, "Master, everything has been done and Miss Doria has been sent home." "Yes." "Miss? A girl?" At this moment, suddenly there was a sound of high-heeled shoes stepping on the ground. Looking up, I saw a beautiful woman coming up. It was Miss Alan family, Arlene. ###Wake the young master up "Miss Eldest." Mo Chen called. Arlene felt fresh. "Aren't you someone in your heart? Why, this is the beginning of understanding. What girl, which girl? Have I seen it?" Alan Jun's face was stiff for a moment and he snorted coldly, "You think too much." Arlene raised his eyebrows, then frowned at him and said, "It's not that kind of relationship. You are really determined. Have you recognized the girl in your heart? If there are good girls, you might as well..." "I have no one in my heart." He said directly. "No?" "Of course." "You were not..." Arlene was shocked. The man looked at her and snorted softly. Master alan grew up with a golden spoon in his hand. His self-esteem has always been extremely strong. He has always been chased by others. Therefore, in his opinion, he has long disliked women who have no eyes. "I went back." He said that and was ready to leave. Arlene was stunned. "What to go, usually come back will stay at home for one night, what's good about your home, very not easy to come back once, let's..." Arlene haven't finished, the man has left. Mo Chen chong Arlene wryly smiled and rushed out. Don't say you live in an old house. Recently, the young master doesn't go out very much. Everything at work that can be handled at home is settled at home. As for the reason... That night, Doria lost sleep. Also don't know why, close your eyes, in your mind is a man's deep eyes, and that sharp eyes. Master alan... Why did you help her... … … She couldn't think of... … … Thinking and thinking, suddenly flashed across the vague eyes in the memory, the heart suddenly jumped, followed by a palpitation, her little face instantly red, some chagrin, how to think of that night that person there... The next day, Alan family Villa. She was cleaning when there was a sound of footsteps behind her. It was Mo Chen with the information. "Miss Doria, it seems that the young master hasn't got up yet. There will be a meeting later. Can you trouble Miss Doria to help him get up?" Mo Chen said with a smile. "Me?" "Yes, please trouble Miss Doria." Mo Chen smiled. Sorry... … … "Wouldn't it be inappropriate for me to go in... Mr. Mo just called me Doria." "Just call Miss Doria, just tell the young master that there is a meeting, and trouble Miss Doria to bring up the young master's clothes." Mo Chen said and went busy. Doria had no choice but to go to Alan's room, took a deep breath and knocked at the door. "Master?" No one answered. After a little hesitation, he pushed open the door. The bedroom is much larger than the guest room, because the light in the room is very dark with the thick curtain. Doria dawdled for a while and walked slowly to the big bed. The man fell asleep on his side and slept his eyes. Her voice was soft, "Master, it's time to get up." Nobody cares. "Master, it's time to get up. Mr. Mo is waiting for you." The man's eyebrows frowned slightly, still ignoring her. She was stunned and immediately wanted to laugh. How could she be like her Little John? She couldn't help patiently calling again, "Master." The man's eyebrows frowned even tighter. At the moment when the delicate eyebrows frowned, Doria stunned only felt that the man's delicate face was exactly the same as Little John's. Her body suddenly froze and her head was blank for a moment. As if something flashed through my mind, I wanted to catch it, but I couldn't catch it. As a result of the accident, Doria unconsciously bent over and bowed his head to gather together in the past, trying to see something clearly. Just when they were very close. All of a sudden, her eyes crashed into a pair of dark and deep eyes, and Doria's body suddenly froze. His eyes deepened. All of a sudden, Doria felt that her wrist was tight. The next moment, she was pulled by a force and lost her balance. She exclaimed and the shirt in her hand fell to the ground. In the blink of an eye, her back was attached to the soft big bed. The man fastened her slender wrist with one hand and supported her side with the other, instantly shackling her.
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