Chapter 244

2004 Words

As he finished speaking, Arlene subconsciously raised his eyes and looked at the man who did not know when he was coming. He asked, "Is it, Alan?" Little guy: "......" Alan didn't speak. Little John turned his head and saw his father's smiling face. "Wow, dad really loves Doria." He said, Alan: "......" He gently raised his eyebrows and looked at the little fellow. A treasure coughed unconsciously and looked at Arlene. "Aunt, have you seen it? Tell uncle that my father is an example." At this point, no matter what Arlene said, he turned around and left with the gift in his arms. ###Zina's phone number 1 Arlene: "......" She looked at Alan. "Your son is really interesting." "Of course, follow me." Alan snorted softly, as if quite proud. Arlene: "......" She didn't want to say a

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