Chapter 234

2030 Words

Compared with Qin's father's complexity, Qin's mother's eyes swept across the hands and eyes of the two men, flashing a little clear. When she saw Arlene, she got up directly. He took her hand kindly and called her to sit down. Arlene was flattered to see such a kind Qin mother and unconsciously said, "Uncle and aunt, I'm sorry, I should have come earlier..." "I don't blame you, son. We are too impatient to see you. We are still looking for you so late." Qin's mother said, not angry at all, pulling Arlene towards the dining table. Qin Yu saw Arlene's stunned appearance in his eyes, with thin lips and few invisible hooks, and followed him. … … Before coming, Arlene had fantasized about what Qin Fu and Qin Mu looked like, but when he saw the real person, he found Qin Fu as elegant as

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