Chapter 220

2017 Words

"Nothing." Chen Yu was somewhat embarrassed and looked at Arlene's blushing. He was about to say something when he suddenly felt Qin Yu's eyes. That sharp and clear, Chen Yu originally wanted to say something instantly stuck in his throat. Qin Yu just glanced at the hand holding the woman and looked at Arlene, looking unknown. Arlene, however, felt extremely embarrassed. When did Qin Yu start, she would just come and panic like this. Isn't she an ex-boyfriend? Arlene, Arlene, are you still promising? ! With this in mind, she looked at the man and said unconsciously, "Qin Yu, you are in good condition. Who are you scaring..." "I'm scary?" Hearing this, Qin Yu just gave a sneer and said, "Even if I am scary, there are no people who are drunk and flirt with waiters in public." Hearin

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