Chapter 207

2006 Words

If her old man gets angry, it is also quite terrible... Nanyu glanced at linda and saw her appearance in her eyes. Linda struggled and was about to speak. ###How many boyfriends have you had? 1 However, the clear male voice came first, "It's what I mean, because the marriage was very sudden. I want to give her time to get used to it." Tang Jing took a look at Nanyu and could not see the emotion on his face. Linda looked at Nanyu with some surprise. I saw Nanyu look natural and didn't look at himself, as if what he said was true. Tang Jing glanced at linda and then at Nanyu. He said, "It's very fast, but you are not small either. Linda has been good or not these days?" Say that finish, linda is sweating again. My God, why did her old man come here today with such a serious look, a

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