Chapter 200

2008 Words

Moreover, that person is still Nanyu! Nanyu took the initiative! Nanyu proposed voluntarily! And won't let her refuse! ###He stood him up 2 She must be dreaming! . . . . . . She felt that her brain was still blank and she did not respond at all, okay? If Chi Ran comes to ask her some questions at this time, then she must be stupid! Fortunately, Chi Ran smiled, looked at the time, stood up and said, "Well, it's getting late, and we should go back. This kind of thing, let's set a date and discuss it well." "Good." Nanhong naturally followed her and stood up. Tang Jing also got up and glanced at linda. Linda followed them and sent Nanyu out. She walked at the back and still did not react. She only thought it was really strange that all this had happened. All of a sudden, there was

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